the meeting

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"Hey Kid!!!" That's all I remember before the world went blank.
"Hey wakey wakey." a voice calls me out of the darkness but when I wake up I'm not in the street or in a hospital...... I'm floating!! "Hey look what you did Sam. Now she awake. Fuck you." a smooth baritone voice calls out. I sit up trying to find the voices only to be pushed back down." Hey let me up!" I shout in protest. "Dang for a Angel you talk smack." I can only assume that that's Sam. I soon hear another voice. This time I my stands in front of me. He has a flame tattoo on his left arm and a very chiseled
that's all I can tell from the he is wearing. Dang he's hot. " What she doing here? We didn't want her for another week." the mysterious man asks and states. "HEY! WHERE AM I?" I scream. This finnaly gets there attention. "Oh sweetie," the baritone voice replies" you in the middle of heven and hell."He says this as if this a joy to him. "Who are you?" I ask as politely I can manage. I say it pretty good for just being kidnapped."We can't tell you yet you naughty girl." A guy with a hodie and a thing that grim reapers carry around says." Shut up Sam." the guy with the voice says." Sussey... Matthew's being mean to me." Sam wines."Shut up both of you" Sussey says cockily all the while starring at me."What are you starring at sweetie." Sussey asks grabing my chin making me stare at him.
"Time to go too bed Morgan."
How did he know my name I wondered as I drifed into darkness.

Matthew's p.o.v.

"Sam, quit starring at her she needs to wake up." I say
" Danm calm down, plus you said that she needed to sleep move earlier."Sam replies in a snarkey tone.
I ignore him and look up to see Stussy unfoulding his black wings as if he's going to fly some where.
" Where do you think your going?" I ask.
"To do my job.'' he replies coldly." I will make her choose me."

Hi everybody I hope you like it so far. I'm sorry if there's some missed spelled words. I love writing. Its such a joy

lso the guy in the picture is Stussy.

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