Chapter 6

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     Night fall came, everyone figured a day of movies and relaxation would get them to think of something to do. Soon though, they had a small idea for the moment. They would visit Deaton at his vet's office tomorrow and ask him questions on the spells and magic that was being used. Maybe even see what kind of witch that woman was. Hopefully they will find something out before the next moon.

The pack agreed to have a sleep over, hoping Isaac would have an easier time with them so that when he changed back into an adult he'll be closer to them then before knowing that he still has his pack.

Stiles had started on making dinner, meatloaf and green beans. Easy to make and good to eat, maybe even some chocolate pudding after it. He was doing it in Derek's kitchen with Allison and Lydia, both doing their part in this dinner. Erica though was holding Isaac and letting him babble back at her while she played with his raccoon stuffed toy. Letting him play and get to know her more. She had this face of endearment, something Stiles never seen before. It made him coo at them both, Erica grinning like a pup along with Isaac who snuffled her neck to get Erica's scent.

Derek and the other boys were in the sitting room watching a show, talking and making comments on what was being played. Though ever once and a while they would look at the kitchen area when they heard giggling.

"So Stiles....." Erica smirked at the cooking mother hen.

He frowned at her tone, it made him want to run but he stayed put and nodded,"Yeah?"

She bounced little Isaac on her hip as she turned to the girl,"I wanted to know why being in this form is so easy to you? You like, made it seem you had being a girl down to a T." She raised an eyebrow at the blushing girl.

Stiles blushed and kept his face down as he worked, not looking at the curious faces of everyone in the loft. Then he sighed,"Alright. This might come as a surprise for you but I know things about girls that most guys shouldn't."

He looked at the faces of his pack and bit his lip, wondering if this was a good idea or not but figured what the hell. He set the bowl of meat and herbs and spices aside for Allison to put into the ceramic meatloaf tin while he washed his hands.

"Look, I just know some things since I had to growing up. Like I can cook and clean, I know how to sew and patch things, I like the movie the Notebook and I do at times dress like a girl. You can say that I like girl clothes cause their comfortable and fit my body better then a boys. I don't wear those clothes out of the house though, I didn't want to get bullied for being even more different then before. "He looked at the shocked faces of the Pack. The only ones that weren't shocked were Scott and Lydia.

Jackson frowned at his girlfriend, "You knew about this?"She snorted and flipped her hair over her shoulder, "Of course! I mean who do you think got him those clothes in the first place. Scott? I don't think so, his fashion sense is the size of a pea."

Scott shrugged and grinned,"True. I've known since we were kids. When we played at his house, his mom had a trunk full of old clothes and we used to play dress up. He'd always go for his mom's dresses and old jewelry."

Stiles grinned, "I did manage to get you in a flowered hat once. Didn't last long cause dad said he looked just like his mother. After that he never touched that hat again. "He snorted as he moved about the kitchen and got dinner going.

Soon the shock died, dinner was done and everything was calm again. After dinner was finished, relaxation in the living area consisted of more movies and couch time. Then one by one each of the pack members fell asleep on the couches or the carpeted floor.

Isaac was already asleep in his crib in Derek and Stiles room. Stiles had passed out on the couch, head leaning on Derek's shoulder but soon was moved and picked up by said werewolf. He cuddled closer, not caring who saw as he nosed his face into the hard chest of the older man.

Derek set him down on his bed, stripped him of his sweater and shoes. Folding him up in the bed and was about to leave when he felt a small hand grab his arm. He turned and looked at the half lidded eyes of Stiles. The female breathed out,"come back to bed."

He was kinda shocked and surprised that the boy would want him anywhere near him during sleep but he took the chance. It was now or never to really take advantage of the situation. He stripped himself of his shirt, knowing the boy was watching him from behind his lashes. He grabbed his sweats and changed his jeans for those, getting comfortable for sleep. When he turned, he paused, seeing the naked back and legs of the male in a female body. It made his wolf rear its ugly head to the front and howl in want. He wanted to very much touch that soft supple skin, to nose his face into the lovely arch of the long neck and small shoulders that didn't change much in the transformation. His sight then was obstructed by something that made his heart thump, his shirt. His greenish grey Henley was covering the female from top to thigh. He sighed and relaxed, knowing what all those feeling meant.

 It wasn't everyday a wolf would find his Anchor let alone it be their mate, his mother and father where each others anchors and mates. Like a soulmate really, as soon as they saw one another they just knew it was set in stone.

Just now, he found his. His anchor that used to be anger was now the cuddling boy in his bed and sheets. His mate was that sweet and hyperactive male that got turned into a girl with just the same personality and still had those sweet dimples. Laying in his large bed and giving him wanting eyes.

He smiled softly and walked over, shifting his way into the bed and hugging the sleepy boy closer. He didn't care what gender Stiles was, he just knew his mate was here with him and he wanted them to stay. He laid his cheek on the head of the sleepy male and felt him and Stiles relax, feeling safe and sound with Isaac's soft breathing near them in the room but also their heat coming off of one another. Stiles soon fell asleep and he waited until the boy was fully sleeping to place a soft kiss on the curve of neck and shoulder the female showed off. He soon fell into a deep sleep, his future in that very same room with him.

𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 - 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝑶𝒏𝒆Where stories live. Discover now