Punny Buddies (Sans x Reader)

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You were under a shady tree, listening to your sick tunes, which was collaborated by you and Napstablook. You have to admit, it sounds good.

It's been a pretty sweet year, now that the monsters had appeared and decided to live amongst the human kind. The humans accepted the monsters with open arms, with no problem at all. Now, you're actually friends with some of them....and in love with one of them....

You know who.

- S A N S POV -

Heh, there she is. Minding her own business like always. Damn, she looks so beautiful just chilling there. The relaxed expression on her face... Haah, I can't stop staring at her. Ugh, get a grip Sans. Go up to her.


"HOLY FUC- oh hey pap." Wew, lost my cool for a second there.


"hmm? nah nah. im just... nah."


" by nah, i meant everything's going TIBIA okay. heheh"


Heheh, works everytime. Now where was I? Ah yes, (y/n). Time to bust a move and stop all this inner rattling.

- (y/n)'s POV or 2nd POV (?) -

Still listening to your music, you notice Sans approaching you, hands in jacket's pockets. You shift yourself to face to his direction, knowing that he'd immediately start a conversation.

" yo (y/n). you look bonely, all by yourself here." He sat down and leaned on the tree, inches away from you. You removed the headphones from your ears and rested them on your neck.

"Ahaha bonely, huh? How humerus of you, comic Sans."

"heheh, yeah.. " Is it just you or is his cheeks are sort of pastel blue-ish? Either way, he was acting odd today. Normally he'd answer a pun right back.

Lightly punching his shoulder, you asked, "Hey, buddy, you alright? You seem off today." You sincerely stared at his eye sockets, signalling that you were genuinely worried about him.

He shrugged it off and instead, ruffled your hair into a mess. "stop being so cute." He mumbled inaudibly, but you heard it anyway.

"Me? Cute? Ahaha, I should be the one telling you that, you know." You said, while fixing your hair back to normal.

"r-really now."

Woah, did he just stutter? You look at him, closely examining his face. He was...blushing..color blue? Could he be...? No, it's too soon to jump into conclusions. You decide to keep your conversation going to observe his behavior.

"heh, im literally just a pile of bones. you consider that cute?" He looked down and started pulling the end blades of the grass, as if there was nothing better to do.

You can't stand to look at him like this anymore, so you came up with a plan that is likely to humiliate you later, knowing that you might get a response quicker than expected. You were supposed to wait for a good timing for your impeccable confession, but if it's for Sans' sake, then you'd do it, just to lighten up his mood. Although, his response is indeed worrying you, but you just got to do it.


"yea- mmf!" You surrounded your arms around his neck to give him a kiss on teeth. You could feel him, his bones rattling and fidgeting as you continue giving him kisses to his teeth and his cheekbones.

When you were done you gave him a big smile, trying not to lose your composure. "I'm head over heels for you." You say, which made him burst into laughter. By now, you were as red as a tomato. You wonder what his response will be.

- S A N S POV -

Holy smokes. She kissed me, several times... Woahoho, and I loved every single moment of it. I just... can't believe this is happening though, it's all happening so fast I-

She gave me a smile, so adorable, it makes me want to attack her right here, right now. Then she said, "I'm head over heels for you."

I burst into laughter. I don't know which is funnier, the pun or her humiliated expression on her face right now.

Wiping off the tears of laughter from my eye sockets, she was obviously waiting for my answer. Hah, damn, this chick. I was the one supposed to confess, yet here she is, doing what I was supposed to do.

Heh, well the important part is, is that the feelings we have for each other are genuinely mutual.

I ruffled her, soft (h/l) (h/c) hair, once more and gave her a smirk. "you know i unla want to be with you."

- (y/n) POV or 2nd POV (?) -

"PFFFFT- THAT WAS SO HORRIBLE." You couldn't control it. It was horribly punny and you can't resist it at all.

Sans was winking at you, making you want to laugh even more. Although, through all the laughs, you knew there was truth to those punny statements. You were relieved to know he returned your feelings. You were just really glad.

"heheh, you're laughing like there's no tomorrow tho. 10pts to the sanster."


"but no really, i love you, (y/n)." This made you immediately stop and look at him with surprise. "you're amazing, you laugh at my horrible jokes, not that they're horrible but y'know." He scratched his head. "i just... really love you."

You were covering half of your face with your arm, due to how red and embarrassed you are, right now. You were speechless with all of this, but you did your best to answer him back anyway.

With a nervous chuckle, you position yourself closer to him to lean unto his shoulder and said, "I love you too, Sans."

You both spent the entire day with each other, enjoying both's company while also telling each other the best and worst bone puns ever.

Ahaha, get a room, you two.

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