No Control ( Sans x Reader LEMON)

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(1Determination oraaayt)

(oh and im excited about v-day comin up so lemme make this a v-day special for those single faackers who are loyal to our chubby skeleton :> )

("bruh its not even v-day yet" oh really omg wait im still finding my faaks.)


Waking up
Beside you I'm a loaded gun
I can't contain this anymore
I'm all yours
I've got no control
No control
And I don't care it's obvious
I just can't get enough of you
The battle's down my eyes are closed
No control


Sans dropped by at your house with a box of chocolates (to which you undeniably love). Why you ask? Well, it's Valentines Day! You and Sans have been dating for quite awhile now, but not really getting that deep...yet. Although his sweet demeanor towards you is already satisfying, you couldn't ask for more. You love that skeleton. You love Sans.

Now that he's in your house, you both pecked each other's lips and then both plopped down to the couch. You both have something in common actually. Both of you are lazy. (author-sinpie sweats bullets)

You both stayed on the couch, lying and clinging to each other. Sans frequently brushed and caressed your hair, while you would intertwine your fingers with his boney ones. It was real sweet.

"hey, y'know i think you should eat your chocolates already. " Sans laziely said, grin still plastered on his face, white pupils not looking at you.

"Eh, why so? I'm too lazy to...maybe later.." You buried your face unto his sweater, squeezing him tight through a hug.

"oh c'mon, i brought them for you, you should at least eat 'em in front of me. "

"Is that a new kink of yours or something? Watching people eat what you gave them?" You snort.

"heh, you wish it was. " He winks.

"Shaddap, Sans. " You roll your eyes, succumbing to his request, got up and went to fetch the chocolates he gave you.

While you were out from the room the couch was allocated at, Sans grinned, hand trying to cover his mouth. "heheheh.. "


You were in the kitchen, getting dem chocos from the fridge. You placed them on the table and opened the box. They look homemade, since it's hella oddly-shaped like an amalgam of different chocolates. Although, they do seem edible at the very least.

You just can't trust Sans' judgement in either cooking or choice of food. Considering he's related to Papyrus... NOT THAT HE'S BAD OR ANYTHING. NO OFFENSE MEANT IN THAT... but his cooking though... duurrr..... And of course, Sans' main favorite food is ketchup and several other condiments...

"....." You feel as if your human instincts is trying to stop you from consuming this delicacy. But.. Sans wants you to eat them... You should at least try one.. Do it for him, you thought.

Draining down the bad vibes bad thoughts and sweat, you picked one oddly-shaped chocolate and placed it on your tongue, hoping it wouldn't taste bad as it looks nor does it taste like a condiment.

Licking... Tasting...

"Huh... " It isn't as bad as you thought. It tasted like a flurry of white, dark, normal chocolates. Hmm, but there was more? It had an aftertaste you can't quite pinpoint what it is. It made you... feel... weird. A strange feeling arises from down there and you feel a shiver crawl up to your spine.

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