Katniss and peeta's fist week home with baby

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So happy Peeta and I are home with our new baby boy! When we got home Peeta helped me out the car and when we walked in the house Peeta turned on the lights and everyone jumped out and yelled "WELCOME HOME"After everyone left Petta and I put Thorn to bed. And then I took a shower and wen't to bed.And about 30 minutes later Peeta came to bed. I ask him why he didn't come to bed ealier he said "I was checking on Thorn" i asked him if Thorn was ok and he said " Thorn is fine" Then he said "Lets go to bed"I said "ok"then we went to sleep. That night I had a nightmare that Snow took thorn away from Peeta and I and killed him! I woke up screaming and Peeta woke up and wraped in in his arms and said " It's ok it was just a dream" Peeta's words help me every time i have a nightmare. I am so luck to have a husband as wonderfull as Peeta. Sometimes i just forget how lucky i am to have him un my life.

The next morning i woke up to thorn's crying. I got up and walked to his room and Peeta was rocking him back to sleep. I said "Peeta i didnt know you were up" he said "I came to check on Thorn'' After he put thorn down he walked up to me and hugged me tightly and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then Peeta said "Are you hungry" I said "yes". Then we walked down the stairs and Peeta made blueberry muffins. While he made breakfast i worked on Thorn's babybook. When Peeta finished making breakfast he walked in the liveing room and told me breakfast was ready. We walked in the kitchen hand in hand and Peeta fixed me a plate of food. We ate breakfast and then Peeta went to the bakery.

After Peeta left i cleaned the kitchen and then went up stairs to take a shower. Before i went to take a shower I put Thorn in his carseat and put him on the floor in the bathroom. I did this so i could hear him if her cried. After i took my shower i got dressed and walked down stairs with Thorn. When i walked down stairs i fed Thorn and then put him back to sleep. By this time it was 9:00. I was so board i didnt know what to do with myself so i just watched T.V. and checked on Thorn every once in a while. About an hour later someone knocks on the door. When I opened the door i was saprised by who i had seen.

I oppened the door and saw my mother. I haven't seen her sence my sister Prim died. As soon as i saw her i said "Mom what are you doing here"? She had a suprised look on her face. She said she came to visit. I was surprised when she said this. I said come in come in. When she came in the house i was imbarised because the house was so filthy. I hadent had a time to clean tho house sence the baby was born. I was going to clean today. I said "Sorry about the mess mom i haven't had i chance to clean sence Thorn was born,i have been realy buisy" she said "It's ok Katniss I know how hard it is to get things done with a new baby". I was so releived when she said that it was ok. I asked her long she was going to stay and she said "A week mabey a couple of days" Then i hear Thorn crying i told mom i will be right back. Then i ran up stairs to get Thorn. When i came back down the stairs i see my mom looking at all the pictures of Prim. And she is crying. I put Thorn down and go up to my mom and tell her it is ok and give her a hug. Then Thorn starts crying again and mom walks up to him and picks him up and gives him a hug. I ask mom if she wan't to to feed Thorn a bottle and she said "Of coarse, i would love to'' so i went in the kitchen and got a bottle out the fridge and put it in the microwave and heated the bottle. Then i brought the bottle to mom and i watched as she fed Thorn. After she finished feeding Thorn i offered to take him but my she refused she said " Now Katniss i won't be here long so let me spend time with my new grandbaby." After she said this the phone rang and i ran to get it and when i said " Hello" i heard Effie's voice. I thought it was strange she naver calls it's usualy Haymitch who calls me to check in. While we were talking she said Peeta invited Haymitch and her to eat dinner with us. When she said this i was mad because Petta never told me he was inviting them. So i told Effie i had to go because the baby was crying but i lied because i needed to talk to Peeta. So after i finished talking to Effie i called Peeta at the bakery. Then i called the bakery to talk to Peeta. It took him forever to answer the phone. When he answered i told him to plz not to invite people without talking to me. Then i told him the reason i was so upset was because i still haven't had a chance to clean the house yet today! He said "Katniss i am so sorry i just wanted to invite Effie and Haymitch because we haven't seen them in a long time" i told him i know how he feels. He said that he could cancel. But i said no because it would be rude to invite them and then cancel on them. After i told him this i realized i have been spending to much time with Effie. Then before we quit talking he said "I am sorry and i love you'' Then i told him i loved him to and then i hung up.

That after noon i was upstairs in my bedroom rocking Thorn to sleep. When Peeta came up stairs he gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek. He looked at me and said "Whats the matter beatiful?" I told him i was just realy tired from the baby keeping me up all night. He said "babe i will get up tonight if the baby cries" I told him no because he works all day and he needs his rest. He kept tellkng me no and we got into a small fight and we woke up the baby,them my mom came upstairs and said "Whats the matter with you guys!" We ended up yelling at her,when we didnt mean to at all. Then mom just walked down stairs. After she left i said "Ok Peeta whatever you can get Thorn tonight" he said "ok" then he kissed me. Then he left to go cook dinner. I was all alone sitting on our bed with Thorn in my arms still crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2013 ⏰

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