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Hey guys

This is my second book that I am writing and sorry if the updates are really slow I'm not finished the other one as well but I just had so many ideas for books that I wanted to start another one

Hope you like it :)

- Caiti C


Jess' POV

I woke up on Friday morning not wanting to get up, but I knew I had to I have classes at Uni this morning that I need to go to.

"Come on Jess! We have to leave in 20 minutes and if your not up by then I will leave!!" Skyla said. She is my most bestest friend in the whole widest world and we moved to London to go to the University of London we started at the start of the year and it's gone so fast it is the 2nd last week of school.

"Mmmm." Is all I managed to get out "I'll be ready" I rolled over but 10 seconds later I forcefully forced myself to get up and get ready.

"Good girl jessie." Skyla spoke down to me as if I was a little puppy dog.

When I was eventually ready I realized that Lara had already left, Skyla could see the confusion on my face

"She stayed at her boyfriends flat." She stated

I can't believe she won't tell us who he is all she says is that his name is Liam.

* Flash Back only 2 months ago*

"Hey guys guess what?!" Lara came running in really fast and excited

"Where have you been the past 3 hours lala?" We were all wondering

"I met this guy he is amazing and wonderful and talented! He is perfect!!!" She was so love struck

"Ooooo what's his name?" Sky said in one of those teasing voices

"Liam" is all she said

"Liam who..?" And she wouldn't tell us anymore

*end of flash back*

At school skyla and I went to our usual classes but at lunch we went home cause our classes had been canceled because of a strike or something. We decided that we would go into town and look around at the shops.

We got to the shops and it was about 3 o'clock, and we saw this late group of girls surrounding my favorite restraunt, Nando's. there were big security guards dressed in black everywhere.

"I wonder what's going on?" Ok that was a little freaking we said thy at the same time.

"That was weird."

"OMG stop doing that"

After we finally stopped talking in unison we went over to have a look.

"I love you so much please marry me" we heard some random girl screaming out we both just looked at each other. We knew what this ment that someone famous was in Nando's and that we won't be able to go and eat our favorite meal.

"I wonder who is in there?"

"Do you wanna go find out sky?"

"Hell yes!"

"Ok let's go"

We walked over and made our way through the crowd to see One Direction that famous bit band that won the Xfactor in 2011 sitting in one of the booths with girls screaming at them left, right as centre. That's when we relished that there was six heads not just 5

"Jess can you see who that sixth person is?"

"No I can't ill have to get closer"

We just casually walked in told the security that we were not big fans and that we wouldn't do anything to annoy them and they let us in, though after that all the fans started actin like us and pretending that they weren't fans.

"OMG Jess, it's Lara with them!"

"WHAT! She told me that she was going out for lunch with her mother"

"Jess, her mum is in Australia."

"Oh. I'll text her and she I'd she tells us where she is."

To Lala bear:

Hey lar just wondering where you are xx

From Lala Bear:

Hey Jess, out at lunch with mum remember I told you this morning xx

To Lala Bear:

Oh you having fun? I mean in Australia that is :/

From Lala Bear:

Ummmm. Sorry Jess I'm with my boyfriend and his friends he just said that its probably best that non one knew we were here.

To Lala bear: it's ok and are you enjoying your Perrie Perrie chicken?

With that Lara stood up, looked around and spotted us. We just waved innocently as she came over to us

"How the hell did you guys he in here?"

"We told the security that we weren't big fans and that we wouldn't harras them and he let us in." Skylar said as if it obvious so that's when I stepped in

"Soo...... That's why you would tell us Liam's last name because he is Liam Payne"

"Yeh guys sorry."

"It's fine but you have to introduce us." Skyla said with a smile

"Haha sure"

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