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*6 Months Later*

Jess's POV

"Merry Christmas Baby!!" I here as someone jumps into the bed next to me, aww that's cute. Wait the boys have been on tour for the past 6 month! WHO THE F*** IS IN THE HOUSE!!! I jump up fast then expected and grabbed my bat (dont ask me why i have a bat in my room i just do) and hit the blond intruder in thee head, but that's when i realize that, that's my baby's blond hair...

"OH MY GOD BABY!!!! IM SO SORRY" i ran over to see if he was OK and he was just sitting there laughing

"Niall? Babe? whats so funny?"

"Louis told me not to wake you up like that" he said laughing so hard he was having trouble talking

Of course Louis did because he tried waking me up like that before they left for tour and i smashed him in the side of the head with my bat too.

"Hahaha well lets go get you some ice for your head babe. but i missed you" i said kissing him on the cheek with a smile

"Even though we skyped everyday, i still missed you to love" he said leaning back in and quickly peeking me on the lips.

as we walk down stairs and down the hall way, i see Louis and Zayn sitting on the couch.


"JESSIE!!" he rans over and gives me a big hug. Louis and I have gotten very close over the past couple months even though he wasn't actually here we would Skype all the time, and over the 6 onths when ever niall and i got into a fight about what ever i would always talk to Louis about it. He is my best friend!!

but that's when Louis notices niall holding his head and he bursts into laughter

"HAHAHA. *gasp for air* I TOLD YOU *gasps for air*!!!!" after he calms down he grabs my arm and put in the position that looked like i was showing my muscles off "Our baby girl is a strong one."

"She sure is" Niall wines walking into the kitchen to get an ice pack im assuming.

after that i take my time saying hello to everyone and asking how the tour was and zayn was just staring at me the whole entire time and he wouldn't stop and it was really creeping me out

"Whats up with you?" i asked slightly pissed, everyone started looking at zany as he stood there speechless but his eyes never left mine, even if i looked away i would look back and he would be looking at me the same as before.

Zayn's POV

We just got back from tour and jess walks down the stares and as soon as i see her i cant take my eyes off her. Has she gotten hotter since last time I saw her? she is just so beautiful. i start to daze off in a day dream thinking about me and her and if i ever had a chance with someone like her? Niall would kill me if her knew what i was thinking

"ZAYN STOP!!" Im snapped back into reality by her delicious voice

"hhmmm?" i reply half there

"why the f*** are you staring at me?"

"i was staring oh sorry i didn't mean to" i say sheepishly finally looking away from her.

Well that was weird.

Jess's POV

that was weird, and now its really awkward in the room, there is just this silence and its uncomfortable

"So guys what do you wanna..... wow whats going on in here? its so... weird" Niall speaks while walking into the room

"Nope everything is fine" Zayn quickly blurts out then walks really fast up the stares

"well he is and eager beaver" Niall laughs which makes me laugh. i just love nialls laugh its so contagious.

"Im going to go shower" i state randomly and walk up stares towards my bathroom. As im in the middle of getting undressed someone knocked on the door, which scared the shit out of me causing me to fall and hit my head making me scream and they just walked in hurrying to my aid, while im lying here on the ground in my black and pink polka dot bra and the matching bottoms.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I scream, then noticing that i was niall and calmed down because i didn't care that he saw me like this.

"Oh my god baby are you ok? i didn't meant to make you fall and hurt yourself i came to ask if you wanted to come to nandos with me and the guys tonight?"

"yeh babe its ok. i would love to come to nandos with you guys"

"ok well we leave at 7, OK?" i look over at the clock to see that it was only 4pm

"yeh that's fine. i have heaps of time" i say. then he kisses my forehead and walks out of my bathroom leaving me to shower and get ready etc.

After i hope out of the shower i firmly wrap my towel around me and walk into my bedroom. i pull out my tan coloured bra and the matching undies and walk into my huge walk-in wardrobe and look thro all my dresses looking for one to wear tonight. i found one that Skylar bought for me at the beginning of the year. I put it on and it looks great if i do say so my self. Its bright red (thats good being christmas and all) and clings to my curves perfectly. i apply a little make up and walk down stares to find everyone waiting for me, they all watcheddme walk down the stares with their mouth slightly gapped open, even sky and larzz.

"You look amazing Jess" Zayn says while looking at my chest, making me very uncomfortable

"Hey man, eyes off, she is mine" Niall saying to zayn while loooking at him weirddly "you look beautiful baby, but seriously you dont need the makeup!" he says looking at me causing me to blush.

"Awww you made our little baby girl blush Nialler" Louis says coming up and patting my head. everyone started to laugh then off we went to nandos


Hey guys

sorry short chapter again :-/ still sick

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hehe gbye! WUV YOU ALL !!!

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