The Puppy

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This couldn't have happened. No. It's not real. I think as I quickly stand up and back away from him in horror. He was perfectly fine a couple days ago, how could he have gotten this worse in that short of time? I take one more step back and hear a muffled squeal. I blink away the wetness in my eyes and peer down at the ground. There, sitting at my feet is a sad, whimpering German/Australian Shepard puppy.

"How'd you get in here?" I ask in confusion as I move to pick him up. It's a good thing I found you before someone else did. He whimpers and shuffles away. "Aww, don't be scared," I say as I gently pull him up into my arms. "You're safe now, I'm not gonna hurt you." I wouldn't ever. And I couldn't ever. Not after what I just witnessed what happened to Dad.

"I better go tell Mom what just... what happ... I should go." As I turn to leave the room, the puppy squeaks again. "What? What could possibly be wrong?" He looks up at me with those scared, pitiful eyes and I realize that I can't leave him in here. My dead father is laying limply on his bed, covered in blood. This is no place for a scared, confused dog. He could be very important.

I turn around to leave, and I run straight into Mum, who's just now shuffling into the bedroom. "Oh! Aislyn, why do you have a dog? Aislyn? What's going..." She glances from the dog, then to me, then finally, she takes one agonizing slow turn, and sees Dad. "Oh my-" and that's all that comes out before she collapses on the floor in a still, quiet heap.

Oh my gosh, what just happened? Is this real? I have to leave soon! Well I think I do at least... I glance down at the puppy in my arms. "And I need a name for you as well... I'll just let it come naturally though." I sigh as I look deep into his loving eyes. "Let's go downstairs and tell the boys." I whisper to the puppy as I slowly creep down the stairs.

Aidan and Wesley are sitting at the table, thankfully without the toad. "Hey Aisy! Where'd ya get the dog?" Wesley asked as soon as I walked in the room. "It doesn't matter you pea-brain! What's his name? That's the best part." Aidan interrupts. "He should go hunt that toad we had earlier, the one that Aisy saw!" He continues.

"Um, I guess I'll call him Toad, after the one you boys saved from Mum's wrath." After all, I did save him from anyone else that would have found him- or not found him. "But, I'm afraid I have some very bad news. Dad's had a really bad disease his whole life, and today it hit him the worst. He passed away a few minutes ago." I whisper with my voice cracking. "Mum's passed out upstairs so it's just me, Toad, and you guys for now."

There was silence in the room for a while, and then it was Wesley to talk first, with tears slowly dripping down his face. "What about you, Aislyn? You're leaving in couple hours." Wesley says unsurely.

I will never forget the looks on their faces when I told them the news that day.

                              END OF CHAPTER 2

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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