{V} [Christmas Edison]

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"Jagi, jagi, jagiiii~"Someone screamed and jumped on top of me ruining my peaceful sleep.
"What"I said and threw the blanket over my face.
"It's Christmas!"V, my lovely boyfriend said and started jumping on the bed.
I googled at his childish action.

"Wake uuuup jagi~"
"I'm up, I'm up!"I said getting up.
"Get out I need to change"
"What if I don't"He smirked.
"do you want a slap and zero kisses on Christmas?"
"I'm out"He ran out of the room, I smiled to myself.
What a boyfriend I have

"Merry Christmas"V said and gave me his present, I opened it and saw [Insert what you want for Christmas]
"OMG!I love it, thank you so much oppa!"I said and threw my arms around his neck giving him a bear hug, he wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear.
"Your welcome....but...."He broke apart and looked in my eyes seriously.

"Where is my present?"He asked, I smacked his arm lightly.
"Omo, here"I said and gave him his present.
He opened it and his face lit up, "Y/N, this, this must have cost so much!I love it, thank you"He gave me a deep kiss.In the middle of the kiss he said "Saranghae"

"I want to give you another present jagi"He smirked as he said that, he lifted me up bride style and threw me on the bed.
"This will be the best Christmas ever, I promise jagi"He said before kissing me.


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