Chapter 3: My Kinda Party

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My Kinda Party

“L-I-O-N-S let’s go Lions!”

The game was finally over, our precious Lions had creamed our rival, the opposing Tigers, 28-3. The entire stands was cheering loud and the football players were celebrating on the field. We cheerleaders were laughing because the Tiger cheerleaders looked embarrassed as they ran fast off the field. Whenever we cheer against them, we try to compete with stunts, but they got nothin’ on us.

After games, the norm was a huge house party, and since we won this party was going to be out of control. Carrie and I were going back to her house to get ready before the party, score some booze from her brother who we blackmailed to get us some, and look fabulous for the fun night ahead. Carrie and I partied more than Kathy and Grace, but after a game like that there was no denying that they might actually show up for the festivities. Carrie and I decided to wear dresses tonight, I was going in a glittery purple mini with black sky highs while Carrie was in a LBD with her new red high heels.

An hour later Grace was driving us to the party. She was the Sober Sally for the night, taking care of the rest of us, Kathy had decided to join us for the festivities. Grace was wearing a red dress with her fav cowboy boots and Kathy was wearing her normal blue dress that was so skin tight it made her boyfriend nervous. We were laughing and singing in the car as we drove to the Drever’s house party. The twins were famous for their blow out everyone hammered house parties, and we were ready, Carrie and I had already finished off our pre-game booze and we were roaring to go. Grace parked her shiny new Audi down the street, the party seemed to have already started without us as we had to park two blocks from the house.

When we walked in we were right, the park was in full swing. Drunk people were stumbling by and couples and randoms were dancing in the middle. Joey, one of the twins, was standing by the door making sure everyone who entered was from our school or was their date. He nodded to us as we made our way to the drinks table. The Drever twin’s parents rented out a bartender who never asked age and a rockin’ DJ for every party. To say they were well off was an understatement. I ordered a vodka cranberry while Carrie got her usual Peach Vodka, Kathy ordered a strawberry margarita and Grace got a Shirley Temple.

“This party is perfect tonight! And I’m lovin’ my margarita. Now where’s my Henry-Poo?” So Kathy dragged Grace off to find her Henry-Poo

“Barf, come on Shar let’s dance.”

So off we went. Carrie and I danced and drank the night away, after awhile my Vodka cranberries stared tasting less and less like vodka. Carrie started stumbling and we were Tipsy Terrys.

“Sharrriiiiiiiiii I have to go to the bathroommm! Help me find it??”

“Carreee Bearr!!! We come here every week! You know where the bathroom is!” But Carrie didn’t look like he know where it was so we left the dance floor and we stumbled out way there. I brought her in and waited outside the door as she probably found where the toilet was located. While I was waiting I was suddenly picked up from my spot and carried into one of the upstairs rooms.

“What the hell! Put me down!!!”

I was pissed, who has the audacity to carry me away! I was supposed to be watching Carrie.

“Who the hell do you think you are!” As soon as he put me down I knew who it was. Blake.

“Blake! I gotta go back for Carrie! This better be important.” I realized as soon as the words came out of my mouth that this was nothing important. He had one of his “I’m-about-to-make-fun-of-you” faces. Kind of like a smirk but he’s laughing at me, not himself. I tried to push myself around him since he was standing in front of the door but he grabbed me. As soon as he did I could smell the alcohol, probably 20 beers worth, on his breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2011 ⏰

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