The Christmas

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A/N: Hello~ fellow Rerne shippers!! I have returned with a christmas special for the fandom! How are you guys? I hope you all will have a great Christmas. Anywho, I made this based on the Comic book (mainly because that's what I've been reading) and so, if you haven't read the comic, RJ and Verne are practically the same, but they insult each other a bit and hibernate in the attic of these two humans: Nate and Norene. The other animals are not involved, the only one that is on both is Hammy. So, enjoy! This is for:  Evolazar

 "Okay, RJ, do we have everything?" Verne looked around the attic.

"Let's see. Twinkie stash? Check."

"Martha Stewart book collection? Check." Verne smiled, admiring his collection.

RJ rolled his eyes, "You kill me with your obsession of that housewife."

"Hey, I still believe that we can be more sophisticated in our eating habits."

"and I still believe there is nothing wrong with spaghetti O's and Cheese Whiz."

Verne rolled his eyes and looked over the rest of the stuff. It was good enough to last, but of course they'll leave here and there to enjoy the winter weather.

"Uncle Verne?" A young turtle walked up to Verne.

"Yes, Plushie?"

"I overheard the human's talk about Christmas. What is that?"

"Well, Plushie. Christmas is a time of year that humans spend time together and exchange presents. They also eat a lot."


RJ spoke up, "So we animals can sneak and eat all the leftovers!"

"No, RJ. That's not why."

"It is to me." RJ stuffed a twinkie in his mouth and chewed. Verne sighed.

"Uncle Verne, can we celebrate Christmas? It's my first time hearing about it and I want to try it!"

RJ and Verne looked at each other, mulling it over without talking. RJ smiled smugly.

"Anything for you, Plushie my boy." RJ stood up, "Verne, what day is it?"

"um.. I think it's the 24th."

"So the day of celebrating is tomorrow! We'll wait until they are asleep from food overdose."

"Thank you, Uncle RJ and Uncle Verne!"

~~~Next Day~~

RJ snook down to the main floor, Verne followed and they helped Plushie down. They crept along the wall, they could hear snoring in the living room.

"Good, their asleep." RJ smiled, "Come on." He began walking to the kitchen, Verne and Plushie followed suit. The table was filled with Ham, Turkey, Mac and Cheese, gingerbread cookies, pumpkin bread, and pudding.

"Should we be quiet?" Plushie asked.

"Yes. We can't wake Nate and Norene or else they will call animal control again." Verne explained.

"Yah yah. All I'm hearing is blah blah blah, food food food." RJ laughed. He climbed onto the table and started on the ham, chewing into it. Verne helped Plushie on the table and the young turtle ate some turkey. Verne got started on the pumpkin bread. While they were eating, RJ would nonchalantly pat Verne's tail and then hide it by throwing some food at him.

The turtle soon got irritated at this, he pulled RJ's ear and walked to the hallway.

"We'll be right back, Plushie." Plushie looked confused but let them go. Verne stopped in the hallway and looked at RJ.

"Okay, RJ. Why are you touching my tail?"

RJ casually leaned back, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Lier. You have been touching my tail and then throwing food at me! What's the deal?"

"I'm telling you that it's nothing! God, Verne. you are such a loser." RJ chuckled, going back to the kitchen. Verne watched RJ leave, he rolled his eyes, used to his insults. He walked back in the kitchen.

An hour later, they heard the human's wake up. Jumping into action, RJ jumped off the table and ran to the attic, Verne helped Plushie to the attic. When they got in, they were panting from the run. Suddenly Plushie and RJ started laughing. Verne did too.

"Haha! We beat the humans!" RJ laughed, "and they'll never know it was us!"

Verne chuckled, "Well, we should get to the second part of Christmas."

Plushie looked confused, "Huh?"

Verne and RJ gave the smaller turtle a present. He was excited, he opened it to find a new GI-joe action figure. He gasped.

"This is great! Thank you Uncle Verne, Uncle RJ!"

"You're welcome, Plushie." Verne smiled.

"Technically it was me who pointed it out. Verne wanted to get you a book on turtle lifespan."

Verne blushed lightly, "HEY! I agreed on the action figure too!"

Plushie laughed, "I still love this! Thank you two!" He walked to the other end of the attic to play with his new toy.

RJ and Verne looked at each other. Suddenly, they felt weird. Like it was only them out of the whole world. RJ blushed and held up a gift.

"Uh. I found this and I thought of you."

Verne blushed, "Y-you got me a present?" He was happy.

"Yah yah, don't get all sappy on me, okay? just open it." Verne smiled, he slowly ripped the wrapping paper, what he saw surprised him. It was Martha Stewart's new book. Verne gasped, opening it to the first page which had a message in it.

'Hey, Verne,

Uh, I know I tease you a lot and act like I don't care about your feelings. Only, the truth is... I do. I care about you being happy all the time but I have to act strong or others will think I'm weak. I hate that you feel worthless sometimes. and the ultra twinkie truth is... I love you.

p.s. but don't tell anyone. Not even Hammy or Plushie.

merry christmas,


Verne reread the message about a dozen times before feeling tears brim his eyes, he looked at RJ and hugged him tightly.

"H-hey! What did I say? D-don't get all sappy."

Verne sniffed, smiling and wiping his tears, "I-I'm sorry. I'm just so happy... I love you too, RJ."

RJ and Verne both blushed, moves closer to each other and their lips slowly met, furry lips kissing reptilian lips. RJ rested his paws on Verne's shell and Verne wrapped his arms around RJ's neck. After a while they finally separated.

RJ cleared his throat, "Like I said.. let's just keep this between you and me. Okay?"

Verne chuckled, smiling, "Okay, you twinkie disposal."

The rest of their time in the attic was spent watching Plushie, Verne reading his new book, or them cuddling when Plushie wasn't looking.

A/N: YESH~! FINISHED!!! XDD aww those two are so cute together!!! If you haven't read the comic book yet, DO IT!! JUST DO IT!! It really is amazing! Okay. I hope you all have a merry christmas and a happy new year. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVOLAZAR  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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