The First Day

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As I closed my new locker, #305, I saw out of the corner of my eye a handsome guy. His name is Marlon. He is a senior.
I am a sophomore.
The only problem with this situation was that I had just moved to Las Vegas, Nevada, and no one knew who I was or what my deal was.

I had already reviewed my schedule, and as I walked in my first period class, all I felt was 26 pairs of eyes follow me as I walked to the front of the classroom.

"Class, this is our newest addition to Spring Valley High, Ms. Chelsea McKay," said Ms. Jones.

I could see the disgust on the girl's faces and the perverted looks on the guy's.

As I took my seat, I saw him. Marlon.
He was looking at me, and for a brief second we made eye contact. But seconds later, a girl walked in. Minutes past the bell. She walked straight to Marlon and I didn't even have to guess.

He had a girlfriend. Just my luck.

Later that day, I walked inside and went straight up to my room slamming every door I could. (Just to let it be known that I was home.)

I heard my mom walk up the stairs and right to my door. She knocked and asked,

"How was your day, sweetie?"

"It was great, mom, thanks for asking," I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Hey! Don't you dare give me that tone ever again!"

"Maybe if you actually CARED about my feelings and wouldn't have moved me out in this SHIT HOLE, I wouldn't give you this tone."

"Whatever, watch your mouth when you speak to me! I have to leave. I'll be back later tomorrow morning. Order something and stay out of trouble. Bye."

"Yup," I said as she walked back downstairs and out the door. I honestly couldn't have been happier to know that she wasn't going to be back. But since I had no friends, I ordered Thai and went to bed.

Obviously, my first day sucked.

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