Chapter Two

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(Did anyone else think Tet was a girl at the beginning?)
**Sora's POV**
"You're supposed to be the smartest person in the universe! How could you not predict this?" I exclaimed. Even Shiro looked upset, and she almost never looked upset.
"I'm the smartest person in MY universe! Not Earth! I've never even been here before, how was I supposed to know if I came here I'd lose my powers?!" he replied, clearly mad at himself.
"You should have thought ahead," reasoned Shiro. I walked over to the window at the end of the hall and opened it.
"What're you doing?" asked Tet as I put one of my legs out the window.
"Skipping school. I do it all the time. Come on, Shiro." Shiro walked over without hesitation and waited for me to get out.
"But you're on the second floor!"
"Says the guy who made us skydive without a parachute," I reasoned, remembering how he first got us to his world.
"But then there was magic, and now nothing is stopping you from-" I didn't let him say the last bit of his sentence, I was already jumping out the window and into the parking lot. From a lot of practice, I was able to land on my feet and catch Shiro when she jumped. Tet looked out the window and down at us.
"Come on Tet! The fall is so short you don't even have time to say your ten rules!" I yelled up to him. He slowly crawled out the window and fell. I set down Shiro and caught him in my arms.
"I'm your god, you shouldn't treat me like this," he muttered.
"Not here, you're not. Here, you're just a random kid with multicolored eyes." I set him down. "Anyway, how are we gonna get home?"
"We wait until I get magic," he explained.
"Why would you get your magic back?" asked Shiro.
"I'll find some way- maybe with time they'll come back. And if I'm a god in another world, that has to count for something here." reasoned Tet. I began to walk with Shiro out into the city towards our apartment building, Tet following close behind. He must have looked pretty wierd in his bright pink jacket and hat, along with his rainbow eyes.
At last, we got to our small apartment littered with snack bags and completed video games. I sat down in the chair in front of my computer, and Shiro sat on the floor. I looked over at Tet.
"Maybe you could join our school, it'll give you something to do."
"School? Then I have to wear a uniform?" he asked.
"Yeah, and no facepaint," I looked at the pink heart shape on Tet's face.
"H-huh?! This is a permanent mark!" he exclaimed.
"Really? Well, ok. You can just wear makeup over it."
"I'm a boy, I don't wear makeup..."
"But when I first saw you, I thought you were a girl," said Shiro.
"W-what?!" exclaimed Tet.
"You have a girl haircut, and pink clothes." she reasoned.
"It's not just girls that wear pink!" he said defensively.
"Anyway," I interrupted. "Shiro, why don't you give Tet your makeup?"
"But Nii, I don't wear makeup."
"Shiro," I looked at her seriously. "Do you mean to say your actually that adorable...?"
"Yes. We go shopping together and I never buy makeup." she responded. I stared in shock. I had always naturally thought Shiro wore makeup because of how impossibly cute she was.
"Um...then we're going shopping." I said.

**30 minutes later**
We had changed out of our school uniforms so that people wouldn't be suspicious of us skipping school (although Shiro's favorite outfit still looked like a school uniform), and attempted to find Tet an outfit that stood out less. He ended up wearing one of Shiro's dresses, and I couldn't stop laughing.
"You actually put it on?!" I exclaimed.
"You said Shiro's clothes were the only thing you had that were my size!" he reasoned.
"Yeah, they are. But she had regular clothes, like a t-shirt and jeans. You didn't see them?"
Shiro walked out of the bathroom and saw Tet wearing her dress. She looked confused and about to burst out laughing at the same time.
"It doesn't look bad," said Shiro helpfully. Tet turned away, blushing. Such a proud god.
After Tet searched for the t-shirt and jeans I told him about, (which I hid, just to see him wearing a dress) he gave up. And so we took him shopping in Shiro's dress. Nobody looked shocked- they probably believed he was a girl. We bought a basic makeup kit (Shiro said she wanted to try wearing some anyway), and left quickly back to the apartment.
(btw the author doesn't wear makeup so she has no clue what any of this stuff is called)

"Um, Shiro, I think you're putting a little too much makeup," I said as Shiro tried putting makeup on Tet. There was literally a cloud of makeup around him.
"But look, you can barely see the heart on his face." she pointed at the mark, which was basically invisible.
"Still, he looks like he's about to pass out..." Tet looked very dizzy from the clouds of makeup. He fell over onto one of Shiro's computers.
"Oh." she said simply, continuing to try and hide the mark with even more makeup.
"Heh...I think it's basically covered," I laughed slightly. She nodded and tried putting makeup on herself next.

**Tet's POV**
**At night**
I finally woke up, seeing that Sora and Shiro had fallen asleep on the floor. The room was almost pitch black. I sat up and looked around, seeing if there was anything to do.
I'd get my powers back, right?
But in most stories, doesn't the character lose their powers slowly instead of gaining them back slowly?
Then again, nothing happened like in stories. If things went like that, Sora and Shiro would have been trying to desperately escape from my world and back to their original home.
I looked at my hand and hoped for some sign that I could regain my powers. To my surprise, I could summon a small bolt of pink lightning. It shot out of my hand and bounced around the room until dissolving in sparks. It was weak, useless magic, but it was magic.
I would get my powers back. I would get Sora and Shiro home. I have a universe to run!

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