Bella Snow

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Hi my names Bella Snow and I'm 17 years old, I have long dark brown hair and brown eyes and I love music
"Bella, your going to be late!"
I wake to my mum practically pulling me out of bed. I groan as she continues to pull but stops when she realises I've woken. "You're going to be late it's 7:40 and you need to leave by 8:00" she says whilst opening the curtains. I groan again at the brightness and bury my face in the covers.

"20 minutes," she says and kisses me on the forehead "have a good day"
I turn over and grab my phone as she leaves scrolling through Twitter. I stretch and make my way into the bathroom nearly fainting at the sight of me. "Here goes nothing" I whisper to myself as I attempt to untangle my hair and do my makeup. "Just one more year" I say as I put on my school uniform and stare in the mirror.

I was actually pretty happy with my appearance and made my way downstairs. "Shit, I have 2 mins!" I shout as I glanced at the clock and practically ran for the table to get my breakfast bar. I smiled to myself as I made my way down the street towards school grabbing my headphones as Shawn Mendes Air starts playing. Melbourne is so beautiful, I thought as I passed the pretty little shops and houses.

But I was distracted from my thoughts when a heard a shout loud enough to hear over the music, I turned to see some boys darting straight towards me on penny boards. I managed to jump out the way in time for them to pass and hear them snigger.
I frowned as I recognised who it was, Luke and Jai Brooks.

They've lived across from me for years but I've never really known them. All I know is that they get in to trouble loads, man I wish I could do that but my parents would kill me. The thing is, my parents are super strict and if I were to get in trouble or get bad grades they'd literally disown me, I mean they do love me but I'm never gonna try.

They soon disappear and I find myself standing right outside the gates. I hold my breath as I walk in \one more year, one more year\ My first subjects English, I sigh as I make my way down the long full corridor of the English department.

I walk in to class and immediately sit at the front getting out my things and organising them in to neat little piles on one side of my desk. "Miss Snow I'm afraid you'll be sitting next to someone new today"
"What!"I look up quickly as she welcomes other students in. She doesn't hear me as I slump back in my seat but jump at the sound of the chair next to me moving. I turn to see who and I immediately regret it as he smirks and sits himself down.

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