Chapter 1

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Fourth Hollywood down. Fourth, right? These fruit mixes are dangerous, sweet poison truly. Why am I talking to myself? I should stop drinking. "Another?" I look at the bar tender and back at my empty glass, watching the ice twirl. "No, I think I'd rather remember tonight", he nods and diverts his attention to a girl who's just sat at the bar. I turn and look around the bar, things even hazier than usual. Guys hopelessly hitting on uninterested girls and girls who are just shy of too drunk to stand, dancing. I should go to a gay bar; these desperate guys are ridiculous. Maybe I should just quit bars altogether. Good for people watching, bad for mentality apparently. I'm still talking to myself. I pull out my iPhone but since I'd be considered drunk, I won't unlock it. It buzzes in my hand and I squint to see properly, Tyler: Meet me at my apt. Now. I think for a moment and reply: Fella done you wrong? After a few minutes with no reply I wave the tender for my check and wander out.

It's cold as hell and I'm probably not wearing enough layers. A block past the bar my phone rings. Tyler. I answer and before I can even say hello his loud voice booms through the speaker. "I wanna get drunk" I take a while to reply and my words are slow "one step ahead of you" I did only have four, right? "Troye boy! Who done you wrong?" "drinks are good for perspective, Ty." what, now I'm being philosophical? "Well get your tipsy ass over here before I crack this handle alone" He hangs up pretty abruptly and I watch my breath in the cold air as I walk. A few more blocks down I find his complex, wandering through the streets until I finally find his building. It's a pretty difficult task to complete while drunk. I eye his extravagant Christmas wreath, mesmerized as it moves closer until I approach his door. Tugging at the ornaments I let myself in. Tyler was curled up in blankets on the couch, swishing wine back and forth in his glass before realizing I'd come in.

"Sit, sulk. Life sucks." I shake my head with a smile, plopping down on the couch next to him. I wrap my arm around his shoulders and rest my head in the crook of his neck. "Who's ass do I have to kick with my tiny twig legs?" I say, a smile creeping onto my lips. He giggles and I can smell the alcohol on his breath. "Three-night stand gone wrong my scrawny boy" he takes a deep breath, the smile fading from his face. "He made me breakfast so I stayed— ""mistake number one" I interrupt, "I gave him my number and we were spending probably too much time texting as well as two more nights together" "mistake two" "and now I find out, not only does he live on another continent but he's married. To a woman." "and you're out, that's rough Ty. I think you need something stronger than wine," He glances at me with a smirk "I'm just getting started." I push myself up off the couch and make my way to the kitchen.

Pulling the freezer door open my eyes scan the alcohol shelf and land on a large round cork behind a few other bottles. I grab two tall shot glasses from the cupboard and carry it all back out to Tyler, who's still focused on the stirring liquid in his glass. I clear my throat to catch his attention "Tequila, you know me so well". I set the glasses down and pour his glass full but only half for myself, we raise our tiny cups together "to cold nights and cold hearts" I proclaim, earning a smile from Tyler, he clinks his glass to my own and downs it without a single flinch. I shiver harshly as it slides down my throat, burning every inch, leaving me feeling warm. "Well that's got a kick." I say, still wincing. "From Mexico, the good shit" I nod and refill his glass. We just sit for a while, it's nice, it's peaceful. These are some of my favorite times with Tyler, which sounds terrible because he's hurting but it's true. You never get to just sit with Tyler, something is always happening. I rest my head over on his shoulder and we sigh simultaneously, I stretch to reach the tequila bottle as he holds his glass up to me. Refilling it I hear Tyler mumble. "Sorry?" I lift my head to look at him, his eyes are red and glazed over and I can't tell if he's tearing up or just drunk.

I wasn't oblivious to the bottle of vodka he mentioned earlier empty in the bin. "You're my favorite person Troye boy." He was just drunk, very drunk. His words incredibly slurred. I prop my feet up on his lap, burying my face in his neck. "You're my favorite person too TyTy" He falls into a fit of giggles. I wonder if he'll even remember I came over. "Tyler, how many drinks have you had?" I lift my head and look at his unfocused eyes "uh, three vodkas on ice and I didn't count the shots, pour me another?" "three double shots of tequila, three vodkas, AND the wine??" Tyler's head snaps up at the word, "ooh wine, wine sounds good..." He leans forward to retrieve the glass from the table but I snatch it before he can reach, at this rate I'll be carrying him to the bathroom. "No more, Tyler" "but I'm heartbroken" He looks at me over his glasses, pouting his bottom lip. "Broken hearts heal, broken livers don't". He continues to pout as I gather all the glasses and carry them to back to the kitchen.

I return the tequila to the freezer, pour out the wine and rinse the shot glasses. My head snaps up as I hear Tyler shout, "LET'S WATCH A MOVIE!" A smile spreads across my face and I chuckle. I walk back to Tyler sorting through a giant pile of movie cases. "So, our choices are: The Little Mermaid, a documentary about bees, or the entirety of season 1 of Glee" I shake my head at his selections "While I'm sure a documentary on bees would be exhilarating, I think we should watch Ariel" "It's called The Little Mermaid you uncultured swine" He crawls over to his brand new Blu-ray player I got him as an early Christmas present and frantically shoves the disc in. Ty pushes himself off the floor and starts twirling in circles "part of youuur wooooorrrlddd" I grab his shoulders and laugh "If you keep spinning in circles you're going to be sick" "probably, lets cuddle" I lead him over to the couch and pull a blanket over the both of us, Tyler lays his head on my shoulder and is asleep within minutes, I turn the movie off and lay him down. I lay out some Excedrin and a few bottles of water on the table for the next morning. It's too late to walk home now, so I go to Tyler's room and pull down a few spare blankets from the top of his closet and grab a couple of pillows from his bed. I fix myself up a cozy little pallet on the floor and hum myself to sleep.

I slowly awaken to the sweet sound of Tyler vomiting down the hallway. I grab my phone and wince at the bright screen. Its 6 AM. I stumble down the hallway and catch sight of Tyler hunched over the toilet. He heaves a few more times and leans back onto the tub. I reach in the cabinet and grab a few wash cloths, I hand one to Ty and wet another with cold water. "Maybe next time I should eat a little more before getting fucked up." I chuckle a little and place the cool cloth on his forehead.

Leaning over to flush the toilet I hear Tyler laugh, "I didn't think you stayed" I smirk and kneel down next to him "I didn't think you would remember I was here in the first place." He laughs a little harder "don't make jokes Troye boy it hurts to laugh." "Come on let's get you cleaned up" I stand and hold a hand out to Tyler, he accepts and I pull him from the bathroom floor. I help him through the dark house as he stumbles, flicking on whatever light switches I can find. I lead him back to the couch and sit him up, we lost the cool cloth somewhere along the way so I head back to the bathroom and fetch another. When I come back Tyler's already chugging one of the waters I left him. "Take it slow Ty, you're going to upset your stomach again." "You take such good care of me Troye. You're the best." "Well thank you very much but you need to take some medicine and drink some more water and get back to bed." I lay the rag on the table in front of him for when he's ready to lay down. "I already took some Excedrin when you were gone" I sit back down on my floor pallet and watch him finish the water bottle in small sips.

"I really do mean it though" He mumbles slowly, pulling his blanket back over his body and placing the rag on his forehead. "and what is it you mean Ty?" "I couldn't ask for a better best friend. You're the best there is." A smile stretches across my face and I feel my cheeks blush. "You're really great too, Tyler" He lets out a soft snore and I realize he's already fallen back sleep. I'm not much tired anymore, and it's nearing seven. The suns starting to rise so I pull the curtains shut as not to disturb Tyler. I should probably get home and get some sleep. Maybe the walk will tire me out. I leave a note for Tyler "Drink lots of water, get lots of rest and be sure to stomach some food. Love- Troye boy" I sign it with a little heart at the bottom and leave it on the table. After folding up the blankets I used and returning the pillows I head out the door, locking it behind me.

The walk home is long and cold, chilling my lungs. I hum quietly as I walk and begin to yawn a few blocks from my building. When I finally arrive I'm rubbing my eyes. I fumble around with the key a bit before actually unlocking the door. It's cold in my apartment. I turn the thermostat up and gently caress the plant my mum gave me, which is now dead. Probably shouldn't get a pet anytime soon. I walk down the hall to my bedroom and flop onto my bed. Searching for the covers I make myself comfy, in the few hours I was gone I missed my bed. I should stay in more often. My abstract thoughts slowly sail me to sleep.

|I know it's a really short chapter and others will be longer but please give me feedback!|

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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