Please dont leave me (one direction)

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Emma's POV

I'm Emma

I'm 16 and I'm a good student as in grades other than that I'm a bitch you could say.

One day as I was walking to my bus stop I got a call


"I see you sexy"

"Who is thisss"

"Your worse nightmare baby"


Who was that they just hung up

Ok that was freaky oh well

Ill be on my way

As I get to my bus stop I stand there

But no one else shows

That's weird

"Ello miss"

"Excuse me but I can't talk I'm waiting for my bus"I say

"Oh but it won't be coming" is all I hear before I pass out

I wake up in a cold room and someone is touching my hair

I try to scream but nothing comes out holy shit

I just came into reality

I'm kidnapped

"Love we'll open your mouth if you don't scream" I hear

I nod slowly

They uncover my mouth

I being a bitch I am say "what the fuck do you want from me you dickhead"

"Oh deary what I want is simple" and with that he pulled me back to his bed room

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