A zombie story

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Hey Watt pad people I'm new at this and I just am obsessed with zombies <3> story***

It was August 6 school started we were in class calm as we can be just doing our boring math I was mostly chatting with my friend.. but then that dumb nerd snitched on me but oh well so we heard a gunshot a growling the teacher looked outside the window then one of the other nerds were telling us to sit down and keep calm I pushed her out of the way told her to shut up then ran to the window the teacher kids and myself were really surprised what we saw .. we saw the most scariest creepiest things ever ZOMBIES!! it was up to me and my best friend to kill them his name is Nick he's a cool guy friend we had to do it cause these losers are scared even the bullies were we had to protect our houses for our parents and the school for the kids even the bully will regret kitting me we packed up our stuff


2533 Pencils check

789 rulers check

937 scissors check

 it was hard getting all of that  but we had to work fast we ran outside good thing the zombies were slow we can not and I mean CAN NOT have one noise or those creepy things will run faster than a cheetah one zombie was attacking my friend I grabbed my ruler and chopped off the head sorta the ruler got stuck and this zombie was pretty furious I had to rip its head off SNAP! I felt bad but I felt like King Kong when he ripped open that T-rex's mouth I told my friend her can't get there blood in your mouth or eyes or nose or you will turn into one he agreed I had to leave my ruler since it had blood on it there blood is black and there face is torn a little bit I ran to the cafeteria took the gross broccoli and threw it in the zombies mouth while it was growling I yelled EAT YOUR VEGGIES! I felt like my mom it's a weird feeling the zombie spit it out and ran after me I think I screamed to loud I threw many foods at it hamburgers , cheese sticks, a pan, the lunch lady... I mean.. what she was a jerk to me *tears up a little bit*  my friend came behind and did his spiderman move and slammed the pot on his head and that zombie passed away I was gonna throw a funeral for it cause it reminds me when I'm listening to my mom as she yells dead, not even listening ,awesome, and giver he ugly looks  but then I was like thanks Nick ! He said you saved me its teamwork I was like sure yeah ok let move on I found a stick on the ground and threw it at a zombies lower waist DARN IT! so close to the head Nicks said "Zombies have boners too?.. let's call it Zoner! I stared at him like an idiot ok Nick let's go! I threw 949 of my pencils at this strong zombie and 25 scissors what a waste ! I killed 675 zombies and my friend killer 483 zombies just a few more we kept killing and killing and killing it was tiring ok all the zombies are away from the school! we went by our parents home ..Dude I'm to scared to go by my house lets go to yours besides your house it closer to the school ok dude lets go said Nick we went the windows were broken I jump threw the window as he goes threw the door Retard as I thought in my head ok dummy let's go zombies jumps out of now where just as it's about to jump on me I took out 6 scissors and put them close to my chest with the scissor point straight up at the zombie he gets stabbed I told the zombie I'm sorry bro see you in heaven your a good guy What am I kidding he almost killed me! I hear Nick crying Nick what's wrong I asked I look over to the side dang I'm sorry man I give him a hug his parent were attacked  we move on a zombie pops up all I was thinking was about Nick I felt bad so I didn't know what to do he stabbed the zombie with 67 scissors and then came close up while it was on the grown and said for my parent CHEESEBALL ! he stabbed it in the head with 13 rulers WOAH! we went threw all of that killed more and more and last but not least a boney there was only one boney and it could ATTACK! we went to the army house we told up you can't shoot guns during this mission  they brought knives and more weapons we found the boner said Private Marcus ok they killed and killed 78 soilders dead and a boney my friend go scratched and I got scared for life we got back to school and told all the kids to go home later the next day the city was built me and Nicks feet were very painful! I got home to my parent and told up what happened to Nick and his family now NICKS LIVVING WITH ME! this is sorta the best day ever! our teacher have us a JUMBO card with all the kids names on there even the bully ! and the white house gave us awards and our day was busy with many awards so yeah that's what pretty much happened THE END~ the class clapped and the teacher said good job that was a interesting story ! she took my paper and put a smiley sticker on it I felt appreciated in a amazing way

bet you didn't think that ending was gonna happen got yah so yeah hope you liked it :)

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