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niall wears a paper bag over his head. 

it was one of those  brown bags that you find in your classic super market, except Niall drew a smiley face and two dots for his eyes on it. he had different kinds for what his mood was. 

it was weird to wear that thing everyday for school, or for going anywhere. but the fake blonde didn't mind. i mean he wore skirts too, so he wasn't the slightest bit bothered by a bag. 

but sometimes some people are as dumb as a t-rex. for example; it was two days ago when the blonde was walking into a fast food place. he was hungry and his dad hadn't shown up with their food yet. 

right when he got into the line to order his food it happened. 

"hi there." it was a boy around his age, maybe older. but he had light brown hair and bright blue eyes. (a/n: it's not Louis guys) 

niall immediately froze in his spot, not even bothering to turn around. gosh why did a person have to talk to him in a packed public place? he would have liked it better if he was talking to him right when the boy was about to kill him, because then niall wouldn't even have to respond. 

"uh hey?" the boy tried again, making niall flinch. 

jesus he wasn't good at talking to people. at all. 

he could barely talk to his parents without stuttering. 

niall felt his face heating up, and his mouth start chattering. oh no, he was getting nervous. he thanked whatever god was listening that the bag was amazing at hiding his face. 

'what do i say?' 

'should i even talk to him?'

'maybe if i don't answer he'll think i'm deaf...'

it was his turn to order his food, making the cashier give him a surprised and confused look. it's not everyday that you get a costumer with a brown bag over his face.

"hey- uh are you okay?" and oh gosh the really cute boy niall was obviously trying to ignore was talking to him again.

of coarse the blonde didn't answer. but then again maybe he did. not in the way the other boy would have wanted thought, but to niall it was how he always reacted. 

he let out a shriek, almost similiar to a dying donkey being tickled. 

the blonde began running out of the doors of the building ignoring the sorry blabbering of the brunette he probably offended. he had tears pricking his eyes, and yes he knows he's a baby for having tears but he's letting the author explain that part later. 

now here we are in the present. 

niall was currently on side of the school yard- trying to walk as far away from students as possible. the paper bag was still securely on his head, the only thing showing was his light baby blue eyes. 

he always came early to school, because he really didn't want to hear the sex noises that came out of his parent's room. 

his dads where great, but when they stop niall from getting 8-10 hours of sleep each day, he has his doubts. 

there was a group of boys playing football (soccer) in the courtyard. they were yelling and screaming at each other, just having a few laughs. 

niall ignored them, moving to the other side of the grassy area. 

but it was no use, he could still here the screams of, "aye boy no homo!", and "you suck dick at this game mate!"

it wasn't until the blonde heard a deep voice yell at him did he turn his head in the direction it was made. but his face was sadly met with a face full of soccer ball. 

the impact made niall fall to the concrete walk way, right on his butt. students gasped, now forming a big circle around to see what had happened. 

niall's face burned with pain, and his eye felt heavy. 

two boys ran up to him screaming sorry at the top of their lungs. niall scurried away from them, little droplets of tears making it's way to the side of his face, some because of the pain and some because of his worst nightmare. 

'not again.'

"oh jeez! we are so sorry!" 

"are you okay?"

"luke don't be stupid! of coarse she's not okay! she got a ball to the face, you idiot!"

"well harry if you would have kicked it closer than she would be okay!" 

the two then began bickering back and forth, seemingly now ignoring the blonde in pain on the walk way. 

other students gave them weird looks making the boy quiver in his school skirt. 

his school ordered every student to wear uniforms and niall bribed the principle to let him wear a skirt, instead of the pants. unfortunately that caused everyone to think of him as a girl, only assuming since he wore the girl uniform, and since they couldn't see his face. 

'oh no...' niall began shivering in fear. this had to be a nightmare. soon enough he'll wake up with ihs dad; calum bursting through the door with a baseball bat, and his other dad; micheal rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 

he hated getting attention from people. (the good kind of attention was good but not this)

and if you didn't guess it yet, niall was afraid of boys.

 it was pathetic really. always being high alert when he was around a boy. the only boys he hasn't ever screamed, or ran away from was his dads, and that was only because he trusts them enough. 

no he didn't have a traumatic encounter with a boy. he doesn't have a heart wrenching story of when a boy broke his heart. he didn't have a pitiful biography of himself with a boy. no, he was just scared. 

boys are so horrifying. they're so athletic, and can get into fights easy. girls do the same, but somehow niall felt more at ease with the them. around boys, niall felt so downgraded, so tiny, and the slightest bit submissive.

the only thing niall ever showed was his body covered in clothes, so he didn't get when boys made the excuse of, 'i thought you looked pretty', or, 'you look like my type.' it was a bunch of shit if you asked niall.  

the paper bag was always covering his face, he didn't need to worry about the hard glare, the weird looks, the lust filled gaze. it was like the walls in Attack on Titan..except, well he didn't want a giant titan hitting him but still. 

it covered his faciel expression from everyone. because to niall; the closer the boy the more danger you're in. 

and maybe that was true, with a certain twenty year old drug dealer destined to crash into the boy. do you think?




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