It was beneath the full moon of the Spring Equinox that she waited. As the moons soft glow enveloped her pale flesh and the gentle whisper of the wind caressed her skin she wondered if he would truly show. She wondered if it had been but a farce. Whether SHE had been a mere toy to pass the time, to provide entertainment. She wondered if his whispers of love, his promises of forever had been truth or just sweet nothings to keep her keen.
The young maiden sighed, a sound of heartfelt sorrow and continued her wonderings aloud "My love, my Deron. Will you show tonight and join me in the soft embrace of the full moon's light? Or will you be absent from this night and my life forevermore? My heart belongs with you dear Deron." She sighed once more and clenched her hands above her heart "I gave you my heart to do with as you please. My only request was that you treat it well."
"I hear that request. And treat it well I shall dear Loren." The maiden, Loren, spun with a gasp and her eyes softened at the sight of the man. The one who she had gifted her affection to. "You gave me your heart." He spoke as he walked to stand in front of her "But in doing so have left your breast empty. Allow me to gift you with my own to replace the one you lost to me."
Loren smiled and place her delicate hand on her loves chest "Oh Deron. It was taken from me willingly. I long for you to keep it until the day where we join our God in the heavens. I want you to treat it with the care you would give to a newborn babe. To treasure it as you would a mountain of gold."
Deron smiled down at her and intertwined the fingers of their spare hands "And I shall do all those things and more. I shall care for it dearly and treat it sweetly." He spoke softly, his voice echoing in the empty night "For it is all I desire. And it and you are all I need." She blushed softly and smiled
"One can do nothing but believe all you say, you speak with such certainty Doren." He chuckled and smiled "And why should I not? I am certain that I love you. What more do I need than you in my arms?"
She giggled "You woo me so Doren. Sweeter words have never been spoken." She gently caressed his chest, the area over his heart "I have my reply. To the question you asked me."
He nodded "And what have you decided?" He asked with slight nervousness. All his negative thoughts were chased away when a bright grin stretched across his loves face "I will go with you" she said. He laughed heartily and hugged her tightly "Oh Loren!" He swept his face down and captured her pale pink lips in a sweet kiss. She leaned up to return the pressure and their lips danced. The dance that only lovers knew.
They broke apart and smiled at each other. Embraced by each other and the soft light of the full moon.