Rejected Love

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I got this idea from another story I once read and a few pictures. I like this idea.

Don't you find love interesting?

Take Marinette and Adrien for example. Marinette loves Adrien. Adrien at the moment doesn't show love for Marinette. Yet Adrien's alter ego, Chat Noir loves Ladybug, Marinette's alter ego. And Ladybug does not return the feelings.

Confusing isn't it. Let's simplify it.

Marinette loves Adrien. The feeling is seemingly not mutual. Chat Noir loves Ladybug. The feeling is not mutual.

It's a circle of love. A tale of masked heros, secret crushes, and unexpected surprises.

But what would happen if something went wrong? A misunderstanding of some sort.

Well it did happen. And what a interesting story it is.

//Line Break\\

'You're just talking to him. That's all.' Marinette thinks.

Marinette breathe in and out as she tries to calm herself down. She doesn't want to act foolish around him. Then he'll never talk to her again. She takes a deep breath and tries to walk normal over to him.

"Hi Adrien." Marinette says with a blush spreading across her face.

"Oh hi Marinette." Adrien replies.

"Uh you l-left your book in c-class." Marinette says cursing herself for stuttering.

"Oh thanks. I didn't realize I did." Adrien says taking his book.

"You're welcome." Marinette replies with her face the color of a ruby.

A silence passes between them. Both don't know what to say.

"Well I should go. I have someone to meet." Adrien says politely.

Marinette is a little bummed out that she couldn't find anything else to talk to him about. But she remembers that she has to do patrols with Chat soon.

"Yeah I understand. I have to go somewhere too." Marinette responds.

The two go on their way not knowing that they will meet each other very soon.

On top of a building waits none other than Chat himself. He waits eagerly for, as he puts it, his precious lady to arrive. He plans on telling her really how he feels. He is full of confidence especially since he had a talk with Nino.

"What's going on with you? You've been in dream land all day." Nino says.

"It's nothing. I'm just thinking." Adrien replies.

"Thinking about what?" Nino asks.

"A girl." Adrien mumbles.

"Oh really. What about this girl?" Nino says.

"Well she's really nice, smart, sweet and brave." Adrien responds.

"Did you tell her you like her?" Nino asks.

"No." Adrien answers.

"Well tell her. She can't possibly reject you." Nino says.

"You think so?" Adrien says.

"Definitely." Nino replies.

With a moment of thought Adrien says, "I'll do it."

Rejected LoveWhere stories live. Discover now