Chapter 1- Welcome Home

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A.N. So I was watching this video and got inspired to write this.

Lily's Pov

I stood in front of the exit to go back into the muggle world. Looking back at the Hogwarts Train I sighed before stepping through the barrier. My parents weren't here, as usual. I either hailed a cab if there was one or walked. I decided to walk today. It's not that far of a walk and it delays the time at home for me. The walk was half an hour or so, depending on how much I could delay it.

*Half an hour or so later*

I stood outside debating my options. Do I go in or do I just not come home at all. I took a deep breath before stepping in the house. 

"Lilian" My dad said as I stepped into his office. "We didn't know you would be home today"

"Sorry father, guess I should have written you" I apologized. 

"Yes, please do next time" He said before going back to work.

"Welcome home Lily. It's soo nice to see you Lily" I mumbled to my self as I went to where my mother would be located.

"Lilian, we didn't know you would be home today" She said as I stepped into the kitchen where all her work papers were scattered on the table. 

"Sorry mother, guess I should have written you" I repeated what I told father.

"Yes, yes indeed" She said before going straight back to work. "Oh, Lillian, since you are back you will be expected to go straight back into your work. You need to keep up our image."

"Yes mother" I said before up to my room. I didn't really unpack anything because my parents do not approve of the magic world. But that's the one thing they have to put up with me. I stayed in my room until I was called down for dinner time. 

"Lilian, come down for dinner" My mother said through the Intercom that was hooked up to my room. I quickly made my way over to answer before she got impatient and mad.

"Yes mother, Be down in one minute. Just let me change into something presentable." I said in the tone my parents approve of.

"Hurry" She said stiffly. I changed into the clothes that are in the closet my mother stalks full of with the clothes she approves of. I put on this red dress with heels and earrings. I did my make-up and hair already so I was set for dinner. My parents were sitting down already when I walked into the dinning room. 

"Lilian, please come and join us" My father said happily. As I sat down my parents gave me the usual smile to make me feel like I was missed. I wasn't though. "Now how was your time at this,school"

"Very nice father. I was the top of my class, yet again, and am still a prefect" I told them pretty proudly.

"Very nice Lilian. Now about your schedule for the summer" My mother said. I mentally groaned because I knew this was going to come up soon. " I  have added a few more things that last year but you are getting older so I know you will handle it okay.  Now you shall wake up at 5 every morning. It's an hour earlier that last year but you will do it. Here is the list for your day

 You are expected to be primp and properly dressed by 5:15 and no later. 

Breakfast 5:15-5:30

You have instrument classes of what ever instrument I choose that day 5:35-6:15 

Then there is dress fitting some days for the dance 6:15-6:30

Math 6:30-7:30

English 7:30-8:30

Science 8:30-9:30

Women's class 9:30-10:30

Animal class 11:30-12:30


Dance class  1:00-3:00

Beauty class 3:00-4:00

Some days 4:00-6:00 any extra class I wish to add

Dinner with parents 6:00-6:30

Chores of the day

Must be in room by no later than 10:00. Punishments will be sever if any rules broken.

"That will be your day most of the time. Learn it, live it, and you better love it." My mother said strictly. 

"Yes mother. Have the rules changed at all" I asked politely.

" Ahh, yes. I am glad you asked" She handed me another piece of paper. 


Must be in bed no later than 10 PM sharp

NO boys will be aloud anywhere near you unless approved by parents

NO skipping ANY classes

If you wish to miss any class or anything you must speak to parents before hand

All dinners with parents/any meal must be attended unless approved by parents that it is okay to miss

Must ALWAYS be properly presented; Clothes, make-up and hair.

Chores must be completed before bedtime

Any other rules the parents may wish to give you 

"If you are done you may start on your chores and then go to bed" My father said. I nodded before standing up from my untouched dinner and went to work on the chores. The first day was just simple things. Cleaning any rooms that were dirty and things like that. I made it up to my room at 9 o'clock. I laid on my bed staring up at my ceiling before rolling over and closing my eyes. I did have a long day tomorrow. 

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