Chapter 1

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"Alright everyone. Dinners ready!!!"

My mom called us to eat dinner. I went downstairs and I felt the smell of the dinner, it smelled delicious. My mom always cooked delicious.

I was really excited 'cause tomorrow is the first day of school and it's my second year at Hils Middle School and I'm really excited for my new class and my new teacher and seeing my friends again. Especially my friend Chris. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

"Hi mom, it smells delicious. Where is dad and Ben?"

"Oh, hey sweetie, they are upstairs playing PlayStation like always they do. Your dad always does like he's a child again."

My mom always making fun of dad.

"Hahaha... Mom, but you know that Ben is alone and he doesn't have more brothers to play with. That's why dad takes that responsibility when you take yours. Let dad do dad, mom do mom and I will do me."

My mom watched me like I'm a piece that came from the sky and she began laughing and she asked me to set the plates ready for us to eat.

And then I heard my dad coming from upstairs with my brother Ben and they were laughing like something really funny had happened.

My dad said to Ben coming from upstairs: "Tomorrow, I'm gonna be the boss. You'll see." And Ben replied: "Yeah yeah, you know that I'm better than you, that's why I always win."

Ben was good at playing those games, he always won dad and dad always says that the next day he's gonna win but he never does.

My dad came in the kitchen watching me and he said: " How's my second hand here. Tomorrow is first day of school! Excited right. I'm going to make the best year of it especially for my second helping hand."

My dad was the principal at my school. He's the best principal ever. Everybody at school likes him and that's why I'm a little popular too. But I don't really care about that popularity.

"Aw, thanks dad. And mom said that you said that you have a surprise for me. And what kind of surprise is that??! I'm really excited to know."

"Um, I said surprise, right. And that means that I'm going to be quiet and mom too!" And he watched mom with big eyes because my mom can't handle surprises, she always tells it anyway. And my dad said again: "And I'm not gonna tell you when its gonna happen either. It will come, when it needs to come."

I really wanted to know what the surprise was and I couldn't wait but dad's right, surprises are surprises.

"Alright dad. I will wait with patience. Anyways... Ben, are you excited for school tomorrow??"

Ben watched me with two opened eyes 'cause he hated school 'cause he says that when school begins, he's not going to have time for his PlayStation. And he's 8 years already and he's better than everybody else in those games.

"No, I'm definitely not excited. I don't understand why you like school so much. I wouldn't have time for my PlayStation anymore. He's gonna miss me and those homework are so disturbing. I don't want to go to school anymore."

Me, my dad and mom began to laugh so hard that we couldn't even breathe and Ben said with angry ness: "Don't laugh! I'm saying the truth." 

And we finally stopped eating and I went to my room and I slept till the next day. The day I was waiting for a long time ago. And finally its here. I'm so excited to see my friends again. Especially Chris. 'Cause my mom caught my phone from me and I couldn't message my friends but I'm supposed to have the phone back today. I'm really glad.

I went to the bathroom and I took a bath and then I dressed and I waited for my dad in the car. I'm always ready before him or anybody else. 

I saw dad walking towards the car.

"Okayyy sweetheart, ready for today??! Because I'm ready for it!"

"Yess dad. I'm super ready!"

We finally were in the parking lot of my school and I saw so many people walking and I felt a really good feeling that I can't even explain. I couldn't wait to see Chris. 

"Alright. We're here! And where's my handshake??!"

Me and dad made a handshake especially for when we're nervous, just like this moment. 

I did the handshake and  we got out of the car and we walked to school together and when we were in the building of the school, I saw a pair of my friends but I didn't saw Chris. That's weird. 

But immediately I walked to the corridor to see who's my mentor this year and who's are my classmates. My heart was beating really hard and I was so nervous. 

I was in the corridor and there were so much more students waiting to see who's are their classmates etc etc. And I waited until it was more calm and I saw my name and my mentor was.....Oh my... My favorite teacher Miss Laurien and I saw who's are my classmates and thanks God that Chris is in my class too. 

But its really weird that I can't find her.

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