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Lucie's P.O.V

"This looks like a really big school" would you mind showin- oh wait your a freshman too."

I totally forgot that Dakota was a freshman,so stupid of me.

We all get off the bus and head towards the school. Me and Dakota somehow manage to stay together and get seats next to each other in the auditorium. Soon enough the principal starts to speak. He lists of the 5 teams, then the 4 teachers within the teams break them upinto 4 homerooms & get their schedule. Lucky enough me and Kayla have the same locker together and the first two periods together. There are 6 periods in the day. We go to our locker and do our combination.

Soon enough I get my locker open grab all my books out and head to my first class with Kota.

"Ok Lucie,you ready!?" She asks me as if I'm about to do a competition.
"Ready as I'll ever be" I sarcastically reply. I walk into algebra scared as hell,I hate algebra.

Soon enough I'm off to ELA with Kota.

"I'll wait for you outside the cafeteria for lunch?" She asks "Sounds like a plan Stan." I reply as she walks away I ask her "Wait Kota!!!" "Yea?!" "Who is that boy in the plaid flannel?" I whisper yell at her.
"Lucie,stay away from him. He is a bad boy." Dakota says.

I'm kinda scared as I wall to my next class. I walk into chemistry and I freeze.

There he is. The "Bad boy"

Of course with my luck there are no more open seats other than the one next to his. Great

How do you guys like it so far?? I think I'm gonna do one more update.

Love you all

Bad Boy EthanWhere stories live. Discover now