chapter 5

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Hello my lovlies I'm back. New years is right around the corner, hopefully this year will be better . my christmas was excellent, I finally got new sketch pencils and a sketchbook. Maybe I'll even draw a picture for you if you'd like. I'll stop my rambling now.

(F/A) means favorite animal

Now here's your story.


__(No ones POV)__

They both stare in shock. (Y/N)'s mouth was open slightly. "Levi you're a vampire?" He didn't answer her question because he asked the same question about her being a werewolf.

"Well, this is awkward." One of the guards said while the other nodded in agreement. They stare a few more seconds but the akwardness grew. They clear their throats and beginning the meeting.

__(mini time skip)__

"And so if we share the land here then we shouldn't have a problem since we both use it." (Y/N) stated. Levi only nodded to this. He was listening to what she said, but got impure thoughts when she bent over slightly and seen a bit of cleavage.

"Hello? Earth to Levi. Are you home?" You questioned as you waved a hand in front of his face. He shook his head letting her know he came back down to earth. "Nothing I'm just thinking of something tiring I have to do after this. He said with his same expression he wears all the time.

'I wonder how cute he gets when he smiles.' You think as you nod your head. He walks you out the castle and to the watering hole making sure no vamps tried to get you. You look into his deep gray-blue eyes then sigh. "I guess I'll see you later then, Levi." You start to walk of but Levi stops you.

"I plan on taking a bath later on around 10:30. How about we meet here later on." He says with a smirk that could mealt hearts causing you to blush because:

1. He asked to bathe with you.

2. He's just too cute especially with that smirk. As you turn redder (if possible)

You nod your head then walk off towards your cave and Levi to his castle. Both with a small smile and a light pink hue across your faces. 'I want to kiss that pretty face of hers/his.' You both think as the hue darkens.

You gather everyone around and announce that the treaty was a success causing them to have a 'small' party to celebrate. You skip the party and busy yourself with paperwork until its time to meet up with Levi as he does the same.

He doesn't need to announce that the treaty was a success. They would have found out on there own. Plus he seemed in a happier mood since she was in the castle, even though he still acted somewhat the same.

You finished almost half of one of the multiple stacks you had before getting ready for the watering hole. You tie your hair into (hair style of choice( remember you have long hair for now)) and grab your (F/A) towel, a black tanktop with (F/C) shorts. 'Time to see Levi' you think as you head out.



Author-chan: Sorry for the shortness of this chapter I got stuck on some parts.

Levi: that's not all you got stuck on

Author-chan: L-levi 0///0
Shush don't say anything

Levi: tch why shouldn't I

Author-chan: I'll release the fangirls.

Levi: you wouldn't *glares*

Author-chan: try me *glares back*

Levi: tch don't forget to vote and leave comments or succgestions and what you think. Until next time. *walks off*

Author-chan:,well then

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