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"Ma-manthra?" I said

"Yes, I'm pretty sure your grandmother told you everything you need to know" he said

"No, she didn't" I sighed "She only told me that she passed on her heart to me and I still have no idea how she did it" then sighed again

He chuckled "actually that's not her heart, only the power and glow of her heart was passed onto you, so your heart is like a newly made Royal Heart of Manthra" he looked at me "Your form now is what your grandmother looked like" then smiled

I saw Min behind us catching up "Hurry Up Yoon!!" and he drive quickly "What are you Min?..." I whispered and Yoon stopped "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" he laughed "Woah Chill, were safe now. were in the circle, Black Eyed Beings can't pass through here"

I turned to him "Black Eyed Beings? is that what Min is?" he nodded "Black Eyed Beings, They take human form but have black, soulless eyes and emanate a sense of pure evil" he said


Now that I think of it, His bangs always covers his eyes and I never got a good look on it. and his just like an Emo Human Being. but now his trying to kill me

Why do they want my heart anyways?! what's so good about it?!

"Your Heart contains a massive kind of power, it will help Min's land to survive but it will also feed the witch power and help destroy us" A husky voice said, I turned around and saw a young handsome boy with except he has hypnotic red eyes and lovely wings, what is he?

"I'm a Mothman, and I know I'm handsome. Thanks anyways" and I gulped, is he reading my mind? "Yes, yes I am" then I asked "Who are you?" and he smiled "Jeon Jungkook"

why did Yoon have to go for a while?


"I'll go and check on the Royals for a while, stay here until I come back. socialize a bit" he said and I nodded

I watch him leave and I started having a fight with myself


"Hi, Jungkook" I said and reach my hand out for him to shake, he might look scary but worth a try right?

He took it and we shook hands, "How about you? What's your name?" he made Eye Contact with me and I felt dizzy, when I was about to faint he looked away and the dizziness faded "Oh I-I'm so sorry" he said and wore a pair of brown contacts then he looked at me again and I didn't felt dizzy....so it was the effect of his red eyes "I'm Minhee" I said and he smiled

Yoon came back and smiled at Jungkook as he gave him a brotherly hug and ruined his hair "Hyuuuuuunnnnngggg~" he whined and Yoon giggled "Stop calling me Yoon, I'm Yoongi's real form. I'm practically Yoongi. I just used Yoon so you won't be confused" and I nodded so this is Yoongi? so handsome....

"Yah Minhee ah stop staring" he said and pinched my nose, I heard Jungkook giggle and ran away, aish this kid. he'll know too much

"I'll be going to find your parents and Soonyoung and bring them here" he said and he was about to go "How about Appa?" and he smiled "I'll find him, don't worry"

He left.

I sat down and saw Little kids running towards me "Unnieeee~ play with us!" a little girl said, aren't they supposed to be suspicious why I look Human with nothing to prove I'm not like Jungkook?

I looked down and I'm still in my 'Manthra' form, "Noona pls~" a little boy said and I chuckled "Arasso, arasso...."

They were witches, but didn't know how to use their powers yet. I bought bubbles and blowed some of them when there was a lot floating around, I stopped for a while and admired them

They are four of them, 2 boys and 2 girls. 3-4 years old, I admired their innocence, so sweet. The boys names were Chanye and Minhyuk while the girls names were Hana and Seosun

There was a blast of strong wind and all the bubbles I blew popped, I heard squeals and I quickly ran over to them "WAHHHHH~ Chanye discovered a spell!" Hana squealed and I sighed in relief, I patted Chanye's head "Chanye-ah!" a little girl said and Chanye looked "Oh? Haneul-ah!" he smiled widely, Haneul went near him and she was holding a flower behind her "Cha-Chanye-ah, Congratulations!" the she pulled out the flower and gave it to him, Chanye blushed and took the flower "Ka-kamsahnida" he said and smiled, Haneul smiled too. I hugged them both and they giggled "Aigoo~ kyeopta" Hana, Minyuk and Seosun joined our group hug

Haneul joined our fun and played with us, I blowed a lit if bubbles and admired them again. Chanye and Haneul's innocent puppy love made me all bubbly inside they're only four and already in love with each other

I watch Hana, Minhyuk and Seosun trying to discover a spell. Minhyuk found a spell and succeeded it and duplicated the bubbles number twice, which made all of them happy while Hana discovered a spell that doubled the sizes of the bubbles that didn't pop and everyone was playing happily while Seosun.....she didn't discover a spell which made her depressed, she sat there not doing anything

"Seosun-ah, go play with them" I told her and she hugged me "But they all discovered a spell even Haneul!" she cried out and I giggled then tickled her, she laughed and laughed then I stopped and pinched her nose "You'll discover yours soon arasso?" and she nodded them hugged me again when suddenly we were inside a bubble "Seosun-ah! you discovered your spell!" shout Minhyuk then Seosun let go and jumped in joy, I giggled at the innocent girl

The bubble popped and because Chanye blowed it off again, Haneul did her spell and created a bubble "Wah, Haneul-ah!" Chanye said amazed and Haneul giggled, This kids are really entertaining but for now. I really need to rest, I said bye to them and they thanked me for playing with them

I sat at the bench and hummed a tune, I don't really know where I heard it but I fell in love with it "M-manthra?" I turned around and saw an old man "Oh....A younger version of Manthra, are you perhaps....her granddaughter?" he asked and I nodded, he sat beside me and hugged me "I am your Grandmother's brother" he said and I smiled "Then you're still considered as my Grandpa" and he nodded "She passed it to you, you're such a beautiful young lady" he said and I chuckled "Minhee-ah" I heard Yoongi's voice and he bowed at Grandpa and Grandpa smiled at him "Minhee? is your name? such a beautiful name.....too bad your Grandmother isn't here to see you anymore...." he said sadly but cheered up immediately "Is he your boyfriend dear? oh my" he said shook hands with Yoongi, I blushed and said "A-aniya, his just a friend....." Grandpa giggled and motioned us to do whatever we were going to do

"I can't find Soonyoung" said Yoongi, and I looked at him "He might be with Seventeen" I plainly said and he looked at me confusingly "Seventeen?" I nodded, "His squad" then in a blink of an eye, his gone but left a note

If you need something call me:
Here's the address to my dorm, but be careful. You know Jungkook anyways, once you arrive there look for him:
1126 Royal Moth
Juneville, MY 11262

I went there fast since it wasn't so far from here, I knocked on the door and a unfamiliar guy welcomed me

"Looks like we'll have fun"

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