Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Kimberley groaned and shut her eyes as quickly as she had opened them. Trying again, she opened them slowly, and squinting hard against the sunlight streaming through the now open blinds, she could just about make out a figure moving.

“Sorry hun” a northern Irish accent said as the blinds were closed half way again. “I didn’t even realize you were there. Didn’t you make it to bed?”

“Guess not” Kim answered, her voice hoarse from sleep. Yawning lightly, she tried to stretch out her tired limbs but in doing so realized that the right side of her body was completely numb. Looking down, she found the reason.


Curled up in her arms with her head resting on Kimberley’s shoulder, her lips were curved into a small smile as she slept. She looked so cute and content that Kimberley decided she could cope with the numbness for a while longer and stayed put.

“I’ll put the kettle on” Nadine said heading for the kitchen, slightly embarrassed at disturbing the sleeping lovers.

Enjoying Cheryl’s warmth, Kimberley closed her eyes again and was just about to drift off again when she felt a stir.

“Kimberley?” a tiny voice whispered.

“Morning beautiful” Kimberley found herself whispering back as she planted a small kiss on Cheryl’s forehead. Smiling sleepily at Kimberley’s tenderness, Cheryl lifted her head just enough to capture Kim’s lips in return.

“Mmmmmm” she sighed. “I wish I could wake up like this everyday”.

“You can” Kim relied, still whispering. She feared if she spoke any louder, their sweet moment would somehow be ruined. She bent down to kiss her again when, right on queue…

“Christ my head is banging!” Sarah moaned as she entered the room, her head in her hands.

“Mine too” Nicola agreed, shuffling in close behind. Both girls had flopped onto the couch before they even noticed Kimberley and Cheryl.

“Oh hi you two” Nicola greeted. “You haven’t moved since last night!”

“Er…afraid that was my fault” Cheryl confessed. “Might have had a bit much to drink. Couldn’t face the taxi home!”

Everyone in the room knew that Cheryl had had no intention of going home last night but she thought she had better keep up the pretence…for now anyway.

“How bout you Kimba” Sarah chipped in. “Feeling as bad as us lot then?”

“Not far off it. Ya know, Nadine’s in the kitchen making a brew if you want to give her hand” she stated looking directly at Nicola and Sarah hinting at them to leave her and Cheryl alone for a while.

“Aw Nads can manage!” Nicola said not getting the message.

“Yeah” Sarah agreed not budging from her seat. “NADS, TWO MORE IN HERE FOR TEA K?” she shouted towards the kitchen, hurting everyone’s head including her own in the process.

“K babe” Nadine’s faint call could be heard.

Kimberley sighed loudly, earning herself a squeeze and a sympathetic look from Cheryl who had got what she was trying to do. A few moments later Nadine arrived with five cups of tea on a tray and a large plate of toast.

“It’s not exactly Jamie Oliver, but my hangover won’t allow anything more complicated than toast” she said flopping down between Sarah and Nicola. “Tuck in everyone”.

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