Hong Kong x Reader x Canada: Happy Birthday!

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"Shit!" You cussed as you rushed everywhere in your house to get ready. Today was the day where your two friends' birthday were celebrated. You grabbed both gifts and rushed out the door. Going back inside again just to get your wallet and you were off.

You chose to go to Matthew first, because you thought that he might be upset if no one went to his birthday to be greeted first. Once you arrived you rang the doorbell and a boy answered the door, he looked like Matthew, only his blonde hair was shorter, a curl sticking up instead of a loop, and sky blue eyes under rectangular framed glasses.

"Hey Alfred!" You greeted to the Canadian's half-brother. "Is Matthew there?"

"Sup, (Name)! Yeah of course! Come in!" He said in his loud obnoxious voice and opened the door wider for you to get in and saw the birthday teen himself. You approached the blonde with a smile and gave him his gift, a stuffed bear that looked like his pet polar bear Kumajirou only with a maple leaf designed shirt.

"Thanks (Name)" He said in his cute hushed voice. 

"No prob! So where's Arthur?" He sighed at your question

"Running late..." He replied but right in the nick of time, The said Englishman arrived panting, obviously ran to Matthew's house with a box tied with a red ribbon under his arms.

"Happy Birthday, Matthew" He approached. "Sorry I was late, there were a bunch of morons who held the line when I was about to get your cake..."

"I-it's okay, at least you arrived safely." The violet-eyed teen said.

"So, who's up for cake?" You asked just to break the awkward silence.

"I DO!" The American shouted despite only being indoors. You chuckled and made your way to the kitchen to ready the plates and forks.

After letting Matthew blow the candles like a little boy, you suddenly remember that you also have to pay a visit to your Asian friend, Kaoru, which is also his birthday today. You mentally facepalmed yourself and just patiently waited for a reason to leave the house for a while.

"The cake'sh aweshome, Matt!" The blue-eyed American said with mouthful of cake. 

"Alfred! How many times do I have to tell you to not eat with your mouth full!" The Brit scolded.

"Ohonhon... That's an example of how you raised them, mon ami~" The blonde Frenchman taunted. Which he got a glare form the said Englishman.

"Th-thanks..." Matthew simply said with a small smile while cuddling Kumajirou and the bear you gave him.

"Do you have ice cream, Matt?" Alfred asked as he gulped down the remains of his cake.

"Um... I-I think... Let me check..." He said and made his way to the refrigerator. Only to see that there was none. The brothers were both upset but suddenly a light bulb ignited on your brain.

"I can run to the nearest convinient store to buy one!" You suggested

"U-um... That's okay-"

"Sure! Thanks (Name) You're the best!" The loud teen said interrupting the celebrant.

"Okay! What flavor do you want?"

"Chocolate!" The four males said in unison. You nodded and got your bag where your things (and the gift you would give to Kaoru) and you were off.

You hailed a taxi and said to him where the Asian's house is. Once you arrived, you paid the driver and knocked on the said celebrant's house. It was answered by one of his cousin's the obnoxious Korean, Yong Soo. 

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