Run Away. Chapter 11.

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Renesmee POV.

I screamed for Alec as he was thrown away from me by father, and as he grabbed me and ran. I screamed as loud as I could, but I doubted he could hear me. The noise coming from the throne room was deafening.

My mother was beside us now, Jacob behind us. I could smell him. I cried for Alec. Suddenly my father jumped. How are we already out on the street? He threw me in the back of a car, my mother sat beside me. Jacob ran alongside the car. I tried to grab for the door handle, but my mothers hands stopped me. Why hadn't Alec come for me yet?

'I'm sorry it had to come to this sweetheart, but you'll realise soon. It's for the best.' my mother tried to tell me.

I ignored her and turned in my seat, looking over the cars that were speeding behind us, to Volterra which was slowly becoming a dot in the distance. I remembered all the times I had had there. Dancing with Alec. Learning to fight with Alec, trying it out with Felix. Making the mistake of yelling at Jane, who had proceeded to fight me with her ability. It had hurt like hell, but Alec had quickly come to my rescue; numbing my pain with his ability. My dad flinched noticeably at that memory. I remembered laying on the roof with Alec, as I told him the names I had made up for the stars, and he told me the real names. I remembered playing hide and seek around the castle with Felix, Heidi, Demitri and Jane, who had become my friend by then. I remembered how we bonded, over a love of making Alec feel awkward. We traded secrets and learnt a few more when we ganged up on him.

I remembered laughing with Aro, feeling welcomed and like I belonged. I remembered the look on Caisus' face when I suggested we had a disco one night.

Then I remembered Alec, Alec kissing me, holding me tight, stroking my hair, running his hands over my body. I remembered his stone chest, his perfect chiselled body. I remembered his carrying me away from Felix and Jane. We had only been having a laugh, but he told me that he had wanted me so much right then that he was actually thinking about taking me right there and then in front of Felix and Jane. I remembered the next day when they had told us that we may have well had stayed in the room with the volume our screams had gotten.

My dad skidded to a stop, and turned round to face me. His face was contorted with anger. I could see it in his eyes. I knew he was hurting seeing his daughter so happy with the Volturi. So I rubbed it in a little more. I remembered Alec telling me he loved me, I remembered Aro giving me a present.

I touched my neck, where my necklaces lay. I picked one of them up, it was simply with the letter V on it. And then the other, a red crystal heart, with a golden letter R, and a black A.

I looked my dad in the eyes, picked up my mums hands and remembered when I got given these necklaces.


It was a month after I had gone to Volterra. Alec and I were in one of the training rooms; he thought he could beat me easily, but I had already got him on the floor. His face looked up at me in surprise.

'I may only be a half vampire, but don't underestimate me.' I giggled.

He scoffed, stroked his hands to my waist and flipped me over. I could see the gleam of mischief in his eyes, as he smirked at me.

'You should be glad. When I attack, I start right here.'

He put his fingertips to my neck, softly drawing an 'x'.

'Then, I grip my prey here.'

He wound his arm around my back, to my neck.

'And pull my prey towards me like this.'

He pulled me up.

'And trap them.'

I felt my back hit the wall.

'And finally, I give in to my urges and attack their sweet throats, right here.'

He kissed my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

I used to be funny about this, I didn't like the idea of him drinking from people, it was a veggie thing. Now, though, I had accepted it. He sometimes came hunting with me, instead of dining with his family. I was never around then. I may have accepted that he feed from humans, but I just couldn't deal with the screams and the silence that followed them.

I was about to reply when Jane sauntered in, her glare falling on me. I still hadn't found a way to become friends with her, although we could actually talk now. She told us that Aro wanted to see me immediately in the Throne Room. We followed her through the halls until we got there.

'Ah. Renesmee, Alec.' Aro welcomed us. 'Now, Renesmee. You have been here for a little over a month now, and I think its time that you formally join our family.'

I could feel Alec stiffen beside me.

'Alec, I didn't mean it like that. I have something to give you Renesmee. Something to make you feel more at home here.' Aro reached out his hand to mine, I could see a long box in it. 'Take it. Its yours.'

I slowly took the box, and opened it. A silver necklace with the letter V gleamed up at me. I felt a smile spread across my face, and Alec loosen up.

'Aro, it's beautiful. Thank you so much.' I quickly hugged him, before realising what I was doing. As I pulled away the whole of the Guard had tensed, but Aro simply smiled at me.

'I'm glad you like it, Renesmee. Here. Let me put in on for you.'

A few hours later, Alec and I were back in my room. We sat on my bed talking. Suddenly, he stood up.

'Renesmee, I wanted to give you something. I understand if you don't like it, or don't want it.' he raced back to his room, but was back to me within seconds.

A small box was in between us on the bed.

'It may not be as extravagant as what Aro gave you, but it means that even when I'm not right here, we're always together.' he slowly flipped the lid open, and saw the most beautiful necklace. I gasped, and quickly took it out of the box.

'Do you like it?' Alec asked me tentatively.

I felt my eyes start to water. 'Alec, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I love it!'

He quickly clasped it around my neck, and kissed me.

'I love you. And now, we will always be together. Renesmee Carlie Cullen, I will always protect you, always love you, and never let you go.'


I opened my eyes, my parents were staring at each other. My dads face was filled with rage, my mum looked worried. I quickly let go of her hand, turned and stared out of the window. It wasn't long until I closed my eyes, knowing that I would dream of Alec, like I did every night.

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