Chapter One

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The air buzzed with not so hushed voices, all gushing loudly about the upcoming bonfire tonight and the throbbing in my head got worse by every passing second. I released my hand from the clenched fist it was in and massaged my temples in short circles and shut my eyes tightly, so tight that it pricked before proceeding to band my hair tightly with my thumb and ring finger.

A light tap on my shoulder made me loosen the tight hold on my forehead and I snapped my eyes open, craning my neck to my right, causing me to wince when the headache throbs more.

"Didn't get enough sleep last night?" Lauren's concerned eyes study my drowsy ones before touching the back of her hand on my forehead as if to check for a fever.

"I did," was my answer. This stupid headache and laziness has been bugging me for days. Just like an average being, I've felt a million headaches in my whole life, but this was different.

Lauren pressed her matte red coloured lips in a thin line before pursing them in a small pout. I smiled reassuringly at her, just like I've been to every single person from the last few days.

Lauren took my fake smile for a genuine one and placed both her hands on my shoulder blades from over her desk behind mine. "Excited for the bonfire, May?" Her charcoal black eyes shining excitedly and her copper blonde curled hair tilting to the left. Lauren has always been the one on the search for get togethers and parties. Well, no, actually everyone has, except for me of course. After all, this is our last time together before university and fate, being the life shatterer she is, decided to get every single one of us in different universities around the country.

I gave her a glare at the question. You'd think that after nine years of being best friends, she'd have some knowledge about my likes and dislikes but no. She's all blank.

I merely gave her a short shake in answer, too tired to even utter a single word. I don't know what's wrong with me these days, all I've done today is sign yearbooks and I'm tired as if I attempted to complete Ms. Vivian's history assignment in one night. That woman gives homework as if listing a shopping list, one after another.

Lauren's shoulders fell slump at my answer and she tilted her face, offering one of her many 'innocent' puppy dog faces but unlike the others, I'm not giving in.

Luckily the bell rang just as she opened her mouth to argue and I sighed in relief, inhaled a deep breath, tightened my ponytail and exited the classroom with Lau following with everyone else, all traces of headache magically gone. I guess you just have to divert your attention somewhere else.

Lau pulled me up in a short hug before getting in her car, telling me to 'take care of myself' to which I smiled in return. I ambled across the school parking lot surrounded by people taking pictures or talking about the bonfire, my gaze fixed on the shiny, silver Volvo which belongs to one of the most popular boys of the school, Xavier Collins. Whose also someone I've loved for a time you can't even imagine. With beautiful hazel orbs as eyes and and dark chestnut hair, he's your typical school's heartthrob.

A slight breeze ruffled my loose hair and tickled my eyes just as I reached the car and I leaned my back towards the passenger seat door, waiting for him. After a few minutes, I can faintly make the sight of him exiting the building with a bunch of girls with sharpies and yearbooks for him to sign.

Looking annoyed, he puffs a breath and then I can make his lips uttering 'sure' before taking turns on signing the yearbooks. Ah, Xavier. Always the people pleaser, I think and chuckle inaudibly.

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