I had a happy life. I loved to play sports and dance. I had good grades and always went to school. It was around time for my birthday and my friends said they were planing a surprise for me. I was very excited. It was lunch time so they were about to give me my gift and then the fire alarm goes off. We all evacuated the building and lined up outside. We were all in the same class and are line was next to the sewers. One of the sewers was open and it was the one next to me. So the big surprise was about to come. They popped up behind me and pushed me down the sewer face first. As I screamed they sat at the top laughing. They thought I would come up but I never did. They eventually told a teacher I had fallin down the sewer. they couldn't see my body. The teacher called the police and they pulled my body out of the sewer. As my body spinner around they saw that my face was completely torn off. They called my parents and they were devistated. They wanted to know how this happened so the police questioned my so called friends. There lying little asses said I was trying to impress them by going down the sewer and fell plumiting to the bottom the sewer.