Secret Santa #1- Sorey x Mikleo

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Winter morning, snow is constantly falling down, piling up at different places. A nice time to sit on a cozy couch in front of a fireplace and drink a cup of hot chocolate.

Not for a certain young man of course.

The alarm clock was heard all around the room. The phone rang endlessly. Sorey woke up hearing this. What would he do first, pick up the phone to answer his childhood friend, Mikleo? Or turn off the alarm clock and then answer the calls. Sorey had his answer; he quickly turned off the alarm clock and answered Mikleo's calls.

"Good morning, Mikleo!" Greeted the usual, cheerful Sorey.

"I've been waiting outside, hurry up!" Mikleo yelled on the other side of the line, getting impatient.

Puzzled about his words, Sorey asked him. "What do you mean hurry up, it's just--" He stopped as he saw the clock, his jaw and phone dropped. It was 7 in the morning. There's still 30 minutes before the two of them could be considered late. The young lad rushed to the bathroom and took a quick bath, not even turning on the heater as he suffered the icy cold water dripping from the shower. Without drying himself, he clumsily wore his school uniform, snatching his bag from the hanger and ran outside to the snowy street. There, he saw his childhood friend Mikleo, wearing a thick cream colored coat, a white muffler and a pair of white gloves. He held on an annoyed expression, glaring at Sorey as the two of them hurried their way to school.

"I've standing outside your house for 30 minutes. 30 MINUTES" Mikleo said, gradually slowing their pace when they saw the post indicating that they're almost close to school.

Sorey placed his arm behind his head and showed the blue eyed man with peace sign and a wide smile. "Sorry Mikleo, I had a wonderful dre-" His sneeze interrupted. The wind blew once again, along with a louder sneeze coming from the sick man.

Mikleo stopped on his tracks and sighed. "Wear these, Sorey" Mikleo unwrapped his warm light blue muffler from his neck. He approached the brown haired man and went close to him, inches away from his surprised face, still holding a serious expression. Mikleo wrapped the muffler as he continued to stare at Sorey's green eyes. Quickly, but carefully, he wrapped the muffler until Sorey's neck was covered with the warm, thick cloth.

"Mikleo, what are you doing?" Sorey asked. Mikleo didn't answer as he removed his gloves, one by one. He switched his gaze to his shivering, tanned hands that were hiding in his pockets of his uniform. He took one hand from the pocket and held it, sharing the warmth the pale hand of Mikleo's can give. He wore the glove on one hand, and the same thing goes to the other hand. Sorey looked at the things Mikleo gave and laughed.

"Thanks Mikleo, I owe you on-" He was interrupted, yet again by a sneeze. Mikleo sighed and took a handkerchief from his pocket, then wiped off the dirt form Sorey's nose.

"How can I ever live without you?" Sorey looked at the other man, grinning from ear to ear, thankful of his existence.

"Don't think the impossible things. Let's get going" Mikleo said, continuing to walk their way to school. Sorey ran up to him, eventually arriving school before they were considered late.

Hours have passed, school hours ended. Mikleo was unexpectedly, alone in the classroom. Sorey, on the other hand went somewhere to meet up with someone at the gate. Mikleo, curious of this person he's about to meet, followed Sorey to the gate. When he arrived, he saw Sorey, talking to his friend, Rose. Mikleo hid behind one of the brick pillars near the gate and tried to eavesdrop the two. But alas, he couldn't hear anything, just muffled voices. Instead, Mikleo spied on the two.

Sorey was explaining something to Rose, which sounds a little bit long. The red haired girl continuously nodded at Sorey's words. She squealed right after Sorey finished his story and gave him a pat on ths back. After exchanging loud laughs, the two left the school, locking each other's arms as they marched.

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