Letting him go

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If you love someone, let him go; not because if he returns he is yours or if he doesn’t he was never in the first place.

You let go, because at some level you know that that’s the best for him. You let go because your love isn’t enough. Yet, you let him go because your love is just enough to want him to be happy.

And even if he never comes back know that he will always belong to you. When you let him go you gave him a piece of yourself, so how can’t he not be yours?

But that’s your secret to keep.

As for him, he will never realize. He will never realize that you loved him so much.

So much that you let him go.

You let him go with a bleeding heart and a hug full of warmth.

He will only see the smile. A part of you is thankful for that, but the other part, the treacherous one, hopes that he will notice your eyes and ask. Ask about the pain he sees there.

But he never notices.

He is too happy with his newfound love to notice that your soul, your heart is begging for his.

As he turns and walks away you want to shout for him to stop.

You want to shout that she will never love him like you do.

But you swallow those words.

And the tears you have been hiding for so long start rolling down your cheeks.

And in your heart you know.

You know that you loved him enough to let him go.

Because the truth is, he didn’t love you in return.

His heart always belonged to her as yours belong to him. Yet, a good friend you remain hoping that she will not break his again.

One broken heart is enough for today.

Tomorrow will come. You know that well. You just have to survive the night. A long and lonely night with only your memories of him nearby.

You lay awake and wonder if you could have made him notice you enough. Enough to make him love you, enough for him to stay.

But none of it matters anymore.

‘Cause in the end, you let him go. You always let him go.

That was my mistake and now it’s yours.

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