Be careful what you hope for

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Hope is a treacherous friend.

A treacherous friend, indeed. One moment you think she is in your side; encouraging you, supporting you and the other she stabs you right in the back without remorse.

She soars your spirit, makes you believe that everything is possible.

You get excited. 

You get happy.

You get that foolish smile in your face.

Yes, a smile is in your face.

Against all the odds, you see, it lets you believe that there is a future for you, a light of happiness.

What you have wanted, what you have craved for so long, what you believed that was never meant to be yours is now within your reach…and yet it isn’t.

Reality is trying to bring you down to earth, back to your senses, but you push her away.

And then Hope comes and takes her place inside your mind whispering comforting words.

Words… all those things you want to hear.

Warmth is spreading inside you; images of happiness invade and cloud your mind.

Hope has given you wings and you fly.

Fly without thoughts of how you are coming back down from the sky.

Reality makes a last attempt to grab you as you fly away, but you might as well have been made out of thin air.

Everything around you, dear you, cease to exist and you only have eyes for your dreams.

Dreams that Hope makes you believe that soon one day will be.

But you forget one important lesson.

Hope is a treacherous friend,

Hope is a demon in disguise.

The worst demon of them all,

it hides inside people’s minds.

Too late you realize your mistake.

Too late you realize you have let yourself hope beyond repair.

Too late for you to get back without scars.

Hope gives you wings and Hope takes them away.

The dreams you thought one day would be yours start collapsing all around you.

As for you, you start falling.

Your only friends now are your tears. They try to sooth you but you ignore them.

What’s the point to acknowledge them; you near the bottom of your self-destruction and Reality is there waiting for you but you will get no comforting words from her.

Only cruel facts.

Your body survives the impact.

You wish you could say the same about your heart and soul.

You stand on shaky feet trying to understand what went wrong.

You feel a terrible pain in your chest.

You look for a wound but find nothing. No blood, no scars, nothing to give away your suffering.

Only you will ever know of your folly.

Reality approaches you and you take a blow. A blow that makes you stop breathing, a blow that drives you to your knees.

And for the first time you see.

You see what it is and what it isn’t.

You see that you wished for the stars and the moon.

A laughable wish that was.

You are a fighter though.

You will soon stand up and keep moving.

You have no choice after all.

You make promises to yourself.

You promise that you won’t get carried away again; that you won’t fall victim to hope for hopeless things.

Yes, everything seems brighter to you now.

Everything is again under control.

You start walking again on the path of life but as you walk you fail to notice.

You fail to notice the little shadow that follows closely behind you.

It whispers to you.

At first you think you imagine it, but then you hear the whispers again.

Clear are the words inside your head.

Six simple words, but so soothing they are.

And Hope smiles as she whispers to you again.


Everything is going to be fine…

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