Imagine Justin saves you from drowning

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It was a hot day in California so you decided to head to the beach a surf a bit. What you didn't know is that Justin Bieber is here. You got to the beach and it was PACKED with screaming girls and paparazzi everywhere. You squeezed through them and got to the water and then dove right in. You paddled as far as you could until the screams were faint. You lied on your board staring up at the clouds soaring above you that looked so close that if you reached far enough, you could reach them. After about an hour you decided to catch a few waves. The waves were huge today which made you so happy. You rode them like you owned them all the way to ankle deep water. You looked behind you and saw the biggest wave yet but it was forming a ways back so you paddled and paddled and paddled with all your might to catch this wave. You turned around as the wave neared you and then started paddling toward shore and you could here the monster wave behind you and you popped up on your board and right when you were about to soar down the wave another surfer with the same idea as you cut you off making you wipe out. You hit the water and the wave swallowed you and then ripped your board off from your ankle making it break to shore. You were spinning under water and the wave held you down. You couldn't get up for air. Right when you were about to go unconscious, arms wrapped around you and pulled you up. You came up choking and coughing up water. The person pulled you up and onto their board. You sat in a straddle and then once you started breathing you looked up at your hero. It was Justin Bieber. He put his hand on your thigh and said,"Breath." What do you think I'm doing??? You wanted to yell but didn't have the strength. "Sorry about cutting you off, I didn't see you." He apologized. You just nodded still trying not to pass out. After you finally caught your breath you said,"Thanks." "I'm Justin." He introduced. "I'm Y/N." You said smiling. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine." You assured. You both paddled back on his board and you were in the front while he was behind you with your butt in his face which you don't think he minded. He gave you his number and then you two parter.

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