Start of 8th grade

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I was a new student and I was starting in 8th grade, I was in 8A, which was a lit 💯🔥class. This girl Sarah, first introduced me to her friends. We all would sit next to each other at lunch, but they would talk and I would feel left out. Until one day I spoke out and asked everyone "how was your day guys?" It brightened the ones that were down, and I felt apart of them. Sarah's friends became mine and we always hung out. 8th grade was our time to shine, with getting good grades, being role models and such things like that. 8A was a neutral class, we were responsible, at times respectful. Neutral meaning we were good at times and terrible at other times. Our class just liked to have fun and mix things up a little bit. That was something the teachers didn't like the feel of. On Friday's were lit, having parties or hangouts in homeroom and just turn up in the middle of classes. But FRCS 8th grade teachers were some what strict, some tolerated us on Friday's others didn't and gave out detentions. In the sight of all this we had Friday's where we wouldn't talk or like to see each other. On Monday we were stubborn, tired, and didn't want to learn.
And we gave attitude it just was awful. Even Friday after school squad would gather and just hang out and just by time, altogether. We would go to the movies, shoot hoops, run, talk, you-now, snatch. You name it we most likely did it.
When squad wasn't together is was just boring on my part and there parts to, but times we had to suck it up. We would stand up for each other, it was incredible. Enough of all of this let's throwback to my first day of school.

Sandra's (me) POV
Ugh new school as usual, I know I've moved twice cause of my dad's job promotion or whatever. My background info is my parents are very rich, we were and still are very wealthy. We owe a mansion back in Florida , my parents have great stable jobs. We have a butler, maid, 3 limo drivers, it is just lit😈. My dad is a doctor and a lawyer, and my mother is a world wide fashion designer/model, and she had her doctor degree . My mom has her own clothing line, and works hard so we had money to go to school. As a family we move more than once usual, not only because of my mom's job, but my dad's to. Yes, it was stressing and things, but i had a feeling the moving in Brockton was going to stick. And it did, you will get to know what I mean. Let's go back to my POV.

New school, new house, new teachers, new everything almost. I can't believe that this is our second time this year I've moved. Today it my first day at Foxborough Regional Charter school, and for some reason I knew we were gonna be stay for a long time. It was just a weird feeling.

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