Christmas presents

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Zak~He gets you a new video camera, since you got a job as one of there camera crew

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He gets you a new video camera, since you got a job as one of there camera crew. Well actually, Zak really wanted you to because you love cameras and video taping. You gladly took the job. When you got your video camera you were so excited.

You got him a new spirit box. You had this one specially made for him. He was so happy.

Aaron~He got you a German Shepard puppy so you would always be safe

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He got you a German Shepard puppy so you would always be safe. You found it adorable, and named it Bucky. On Christmas morning you woke up to him not beside you but instead a soft cute puppy licking you.

You got him a new laptop, and he absolutely loved it.

Billy~He got you front seat tickets to your favorite band (Y/F/B), along with VIP passes to meet the band and hang out with them for an hour

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He got you front seat tickets to your favorite band (Y/F/B), along with VIP passes to meet the band and hang out with them for an hour. When he gave them to you, you screamed, and hugged him, while jumping up and down.

You got him this really cool watch that was a bit expensive but completely worth. He wore it everyday since you gave it to him and he even named it (Y/N), because he said it was beautiful making it remind him of you.

 He wore it everyday since you gave it to him and he even named it (Y/N), because he said it was beautiful making it remind him of you

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He got you this beautiful necklace with a picture of him and your baby in it. It was a beautiful silver chain with a heart locket, which said Ohana means family and family means no know gets left behind, which is your favorite quote.

You got him a chain like necklace that had two dog tags on it that read "(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) stole my heart." And "(Y/D/N) helped her steal it."

Note- picture yay or nay??

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