I stared out into the distance from the dock I was standing on. It swayed back and forth gently. I could hear everything around me for miles. The soft paddering of foot falls from little animals in the forest. The crunching branches. The fish under the water, who created bubbles.
I was there to watch the sun go down, just as I do every night. Alone. I have done everything alone, since I was well, A pup. My parents, I only knew for a short time, but they alwayws called me their Angel. So I assumed that was my name.
Now the sun has just finished setting over the horizon, casting the almost full moonto illuminate the darkness. The lake went mirror still and I froze. I heard the faint shimmering in the distance, not too far from here, and I knew It was another wolf. I sighed heavily, pulling the heat from the center of my body and forcing it to radiaate all over me. Before I knew it, I was on all our pass and jumping diagonally off the dock. I landed on the short, sandy shore and sprinted my way in the opposite direction of the approaching wolves.
I was a lone wolf. I have been since I was born. I learned to Avoid wolf packs, because they would assume I was a rogue for I was alone. They either killed, or captured the rogues, and torture them. Even though I'm just a lone wolf, they won't stop to ask questions before they tear my throat out.
I swiveled in and out of the tree's , hopping over, stumps and falling tree's. I could hear the wolf's behind me far in the distance,but I kept running.. Suddenl, something big and dark flew out in front of me and I slammed into it. It didn't budge, but I felt dizzy and I fell backwards onto my back. I flipped over , and gained a defensive stance. He growled and became in a territorial stance. It was another wolf. He was huge and dark, and by the looks of his muscles, and his stance, he was ready to kill me.
Rogue, He thought to me. I whined and tried to explain. By now the other wolves had made their way to where we were standing, and they all closed in on me, forming a deathly circle around me.
I'm not a rogue. I'm a lone wolf. I said, but they just snorted.
That's what they all say. And then they attack. He paused. He didn't have the alpha marking, so I assumed he would be a second in command. Get her. He growl. I whined and my ears came down flattened to my head and my tail between my legs. They all jumped at me. I yelped in pain as they bit me. My legs, my flank, my stomach, and the leader went for my neck. I dropped to the ground in a bloddy mess before he could tear my throat out, and he flew over me. I was sprawled out on the forest floor, bleeding and in pain. I was panting heavily and I knew I was going to die. The leader stood over me, and said "Your in luck, the Alpha wants to have you back at the pack for further examining." I groaned, and looked up at him with fear in my eyI felt the blackness rushing towards me, and soon in enveloped me peacefully.

The Alpha's Angel
WerewolfAngel is a werewolf. Her parents died to rogues years ago. So she grew up for 16 years on her own, avoiding pack of other wolves because they would classify her as a rogue and kill her. One night she get's captured by an Alpha's second in command an...