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Cry's POV

The world was turning into shit.

What am I saying? The world was always shit.

But right now, it was absolute shit. Explosive diarrhea you could say.

People are dying from undead dickheads, then turning into an undead dickhead, and then they take away someone's life.

This virus was probably going to be the end of humanity.

Let me explain.

Right now, it's June 23, the first day of VidCon. I'm supposed to be in Anaheim, California right now, meeting with my YouTube buddies. Hell, I was supposed to be in California last night, booked into a damn hotel room.

But at this moment, I'm leaving Florida by foot, heading towards California, low on resources, and trying to stay alive from the undead.

On the day I was supposed to leave Florida for California, which was yesterday morning, all flights, social events, and so on were cancelled.
Apparently, an experiment in a laboratory in New York failed, killing the patient who volunteered, but then came back to life smelling like rotting flesh, resulting into a scientist getting attacked from the patient. Scientists confirmed that it was a virus, and that it could be spread through the bite of the undead, unless you cut off the area you got bitten.

It eventually spread through all of America.

My YouTube friends, Pewdiepie, CinnamonToastKen, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, TheRPGMinx, and Krismpro had agreed to meet up at the convention center, regardless of where we were. We had to meet up so we could stay safe and rely on each other. I said I would tag along, because some of them were in different states because their airplane landed at a nearby airport after hearing the announcement or they were already in California without any transportation.
If I didn't agree to go to California, I would be dead right now.

Here I am, standing at Florida's exit, dry blood on my hands, my poker face mask off, with a slightly damaged backpack full of reliable supplies slung over on my shoulder, a pistol in my right hand, and a machete in my other.

I'm a little bit shaken up right now, but I think I'll be okay. I'll survive, I'll make it to the convention center.

I know I will.

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