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Only part, but quite long compared to previous imagines!

(Y/N)'s POV "Just Thomas left on the list now!" I say to my friend (Y/F/N). "I don't know what to get him."
"How about a kiss? A confession of lov-"
"Shut up!" I cut her off, giving her a light shove. Thomas bloody Brodie Sangster. One of my best friends and like all the best clichés, I was madly in love with, damn it. But because I over think everything and every scenario, I haven't and won't mention it to him. Ever.
"Alright, alright fine. Get him a pick for his guitar or something."
"Maybe. And some food or somethin'. God I dunno."
"Don't panic, we'll find something." She reassures me.
"Yeah, I know. Thanks." I say as we walk into yet another store.
"Come on (Y/N), christmas is tomorrow! Can't we just open our presents now?" Thomas says. I had invited a few friends round so we could exchange gifts.
"You seriously can't wait until tomorrow morning?" I laugh at his pleading face.
"Can't I at least open onneee pleeassee."
"Fine, damn it, open this one." I say, handing him a small badly wrapped box from yours truly.
"Knew I could convince you!" He says, smiling like a excited child. He rips it open and his eyes light a bit at whats inside. Its a snowball machine.
"This is your fun present, since we haven't had much snow yet." I tell him. He engulfs me in a hug.
"Thanks (Y/N)."
"No bother." He pulls away and I tell him I'm gonna get something to drink.
When I come back, I don't see him so I turn back to find him and get a snowball straight to the stomach. I look up to see Thomas laughing his head off.
"I'll get you for that! You wait!" I say lightly, laughing with him.
"Merry Christmas (Y/N)!" My mum chimes as she wakes me.
"Merry Christmas!" I say sleepily.
"Thomas's present next!" My mum says an hour later handing me a square neatly wrapped present. I tear it open and its a CD of my favourite artist (A/N). I smile happy he remembered.
"Oh sweetie, there's another from him here." She passes me another box. I open it curious since we don't normally get each other two presents, but I did because I didn't know what to get. I open its own box and its a bracelet. And incredible beautiful bracelet with a lock and key on it. There are more charms beside it.
"(Y/N), that's gorgeous!" I slip it on.
"I'll have to phone and thank him." I say getting up and leaving the room to call him. And to think, I only got him some new pens and stuff for drawing. He picks up on the first ring.
"(Y/N)! Merry Christmas!" He yells down the phone.
"Merry Christmas Thomas." I smile. "Thanks for the CD." I say.
"Oh, yeah no bother." He says a bit deflated.
"I like that you remembered."
"Yeah, well you always talk about it."
"And the bracelet is absolutely gorgeous I love it!"
"Really? That's good!" He says, relieved. I giggle. "I almost thought you hadn't got it or hated it or something."
"I know you did! Consider that as payback for the snowball!" He laughs with me.
"Thanks for the drawing stuff! Its great! I really wanted some!"
"No bother, its not very much, I'll buy your lunch one day or something." I say feeling the guilt that I didn't get him enough.
"What!? No! Though I do like the sound of us going out for lunch."
"Uh huh, if either us ever get time! See you tonight yeah?" I ask, butterflies in my stomach.
"Yeah! Yeah of course, see you tonight (Y/N)."
"Bye!" I say hanging up. I sigh and smile, looking forward to tonight.
"I'll get it!" I call when the door bell rings. I open it, to find Thomas smiling down at me.
"(Y/N)! Merry Christmas!" He exclaims, hugging me tight.
"Merry Christmas Sangster." I say.
"Hiya Thomas! Come on in!" My mum calls from the other room as he lets go of me. I lead him in and he greets everyone.
"Have you had a good Christmas so far?" She asks.
"It's been lovely thank you. How about yours?" He replies.
"Fantastic! The turkey turned out great and I almost couldn't save the potatoes but...." She begins to ramble on. Most would show they had lost interest but Thomas continues to nod and smile. So polite. I end up finding my self repeatedly staring at him through out the night until I find him in our halls doorway.
"Hey." I say getting his attention and leaning up against the door frame.
"Oh, hey." He replies with a small smile.
"Sorry about mum, you know how she likes to ramble." I say with a light laugh. He smiles down at me.
"That's ok. I quite like it really. You alright though? You've been a little distracted all night."
"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Christmas I guess."
"Listen (Y/N), after all it is Christmas and people generally tell the truth at Christmas, unless you get a really bad present. But I suppose, it's a time to be around those you love and um, uh."
"That's true." What. What. What. He looks up and eyes hold to something. I look up and
"Mistletoe." I breathe out. I look to see his eyes connected with mine.
"You know the rules." He murmurs, leaning forward.
"Yeah." He closes the gap between us, taking my lips in his. A long passionate kiss between us, fit for under the mistletoe. We pull away slightly, lips inches apart, foreheads on one another's.
"Merry Christmas, (Y/N)."
"Merry Christmas, Thomas."

Thomas Sangster Christmas ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now