(BTS) Jungkook x Reader - Coffee Beans

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As you had walked in the smell of coffee filled the air making you inhale and exhale deeply.

"Ah here again f/n?" That oh-so familiar voice asked you from the back of the counter.

"Yes as a matter of fact I am," you reply to the friend behind the counter.

"The regular?"

"The regular." You confirm as you two exchange smiles.

"You should  really order something else." They said as their back turned to you.

"Belle! That's my favorite and you should know that already!" You whisper shouted almost bringing attention to yourself. You turned as your back faced the counter, eyeing everyone in the coffee house.

As your eyes roamed around they just so happened to land on this one certain guy.

"I see you staring at him," you friend Belle whispered into your ear as she passed over your hot beverage. Chills went down your spine as your face became red, turning around quickly to get your beverage.

"I-It's not like I like him!" You exclaim, wanting to clarify many things that were going into her head.

She scoffs as she gives you your change back. "Sooner or later you will. Or maybe you're just lying to me." She said loud enough only for you to hear. "If you don't like him then approach him."

You felt your ears get red, already knowing you're going to embarrass yourself right when you say a simple hi.

"Ha, see! You're too shy! You're too shy!" She started reading you. You rolled your eyes and looked at the book who was fixated on his laptop, you're going to prove you didn't like him.

You managed all the courage in the world and walked to him, feeling every step get heavier and heavier.

"I uhm, hi." You managed to get out eventually.

The boy looked up into your eyes and smiled, "hello."

You felt your knees get weak as you saw his smile. It was the most precious thing in the world.

"I'm (f/n) and you are?" You ask extending a hand.

"I'm Jungkook." He smiled again while shaking your hand.

You two spent hours talking to each other, sometimes you two would be ridiculously loud laughing, only to be hushed by your friend who still thinks you like him.

The next day passed and you hurried for your usual round of a hot beverage. Staying in the car to see if Jungkook was there.

He wasn't.

Maybe he doesn't get coffee this day?

You brushed it off as you turned off your car and stepped inside. You wanted to get your beverage and leave. If he wasn't here then what's the point? You went up to the counter to see your friend already inputting your order on the register.

"I don't want my regular today." You silently said as you looked up at the menu.

She stopped suddenly to look up at you, "woah what?! Did something happen? Why don't you want your regular? Are you okay?" She continued asking questions as she placed the back of her hand on your forehead.

You swapped her hand away, "yes I'm fine. I just want something else today." You reply as you fix your hair that she had messed up, "can I get that one please?" You ask as you pointed to the miniature menu they had on the counter. She nodded and turned her back to you as she started to work on your beverage.

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