New Day New People

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"Vera Morgan?" The teacher calls my name. It's my first day at my new school, and it already sucks. First off, my alarm clock didn't go off so I woke up late. Second, my car broke down. Thirdly, someone spilled their water on me. So, I've had a great day so far.

"Here," I moan, not enjoying myself one bit. "And it's pronounced V-Eh-Rah, not V-Ee-Ra." I correct. I don't understand why people have such a hard time pronouncing my name. I mean, it's spelled Vera, not Veera. It's stupid.

"I'm sorry, Miss Morgan, but I do not allow sas in my classroom." Ms Hayes snaps at me. I scowl at her, then look down at my desk. I always seem to have the worst of luck, so pissing off the teacher on the first day probably was not the best idea I ever had.

So the class goes on and I don't pay attention. I already knew all the material she was covering, so it was really boring. The only thing keeping me remotely tied to earth was this one blonde girl in the front of class. She was listening intently to the lesson, writing at the speed of light, or at least that's what it seemed at first. As I looked closer, she wasn't writing, but she was drawing in a way that made it look like she was writing. Her blonde hair swished behind her as she moved her head to the rhythm of her pen. I craned my neck to try and see what she was drawing, but my bad luck caught up to me and I fell out of my chair sideways, bringing some of my stuff with me. So graceful, I thought sarcastically. Everyone in the room turned to look at me, the source of the noise. I look down at the floor before anyone could see the blush creeping up on my face.

"Miss Morgan, is something wrong?" Ms Hayes asks in an annoyed tone. I shake my head no.

"No, it's just I couldn't see what you were writing so I tried to move so I could see, but I guess I slipped." I smoothly lied.

"I find that highly doubtful, but it's the end of class, and your first day, so I'll let it slide, just this once, but never again. Got it?" The raven haired teacher says sternly. I nod, but inwardly give her the finger, scowling. The bell rings and I start to pick up my stuff.

"Need help?" I hear a soft voice ask. I look up from the floor to see the face belonging to the blonde hair. She has soft, tan skin and blue eyes, and I can't help but compare her to Samus from Metroid: Other M. They look like they could be twins. The only difference I can point out quickly is that she looks nicer and more carefree, and that her skin is darker. I shyly nod and she bends down to help me. "I'm Piper, by the way." She introduces herself.

I look up to properly introduce myself too, but instead of meeting her face, I see, well, I see a whole lot of cleavage. Like, a whole lot. I try not to stutter and act like a complete idiot, so what do I do? Stutter and act like a complete idiot. "I - uh - m-my name is Vera." I stare, probably looking like an extreme pervert. "I-it's nice to meet you."

"Don't mind Ms Hayes, she just had a break up with her boyfriend. But you didn't hear that from me, if anyone asks." She smirks as she piles up the last of my stuff that I missed and sits up, ridding my eyes of the sight. "Here, don't be so careless next time though, she may not go as easy on you." She stands up and reaches down to me with one hand, as a jester to say she will help me up, showing her boobs again.

"Thanks," I shyly mutter. She smirks again.

"So the wolf is actually just a sheep in wolf's clothing, eh?" She kindly jokes, still smirking. "Well anyway, we better get going, we only have," she pauses to look at her watch, "two minutes left. Better get going, shouldn't we?"

I nod. "Yeah, that seems like a good idea." I pause, then look into her eyes sheeply. "Can you help me find my class?" I mumble in question. She agrees and I tell her where my class is.

"Oh, I have that class too! We better get going though, it's all the way on the other side of the school." She tells me. I nod once again and we leave the room, walking at first, but then running when it becomes the one-minute mark. She grabs my hand as we sprint down the hallway, avoiding oncoming people. We make it to the class, panting, and not even two seconds past before the bell rang, signaling class to start. We take our seats, her smiling at me as Mr Tuamec, who said just to call him Mr T since nobody knew how to pronounce his name.

This day may have started off being pretty shitty, but I have a feeling my bad luck is running out.


Hello people. I welcome you to my story. I decided to write this story for two reasons: one, there's not enough stories like this, and two, I'm a bisexual girl that leans towards girls. Don't like it? Don't read it. I hope it's good! It's my first story too, so go easy on me. Give me suggestions. Give me praises. Hate my book? Then don't say anything.

Love you guys!


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