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i had a perfect life, almost. i was happy for the way everything was. People accepted me for me, and understand how i felt. My Dad said i was special....

....I am colorblind.


My name is Jennika, a bit different. My family and friends called me Jennie taking the originality from my name. People didn’t really like having anything cooler than them. Like you buy a cute shirt, next day everyone will have bought a shirt similar to yours but, i guess theirs is "cooler".


I live in Canada. Not that exciting. We rarely did anything here it’s just sooo boring. Like the funniest thing I’ve done is go skiing. I think there are fun things to do in Canada, but I’m sure I live far away from there!



I just turned 14, in May.

It was the middle of eight grade.

One day i was with my friends, it was a typical day...


"Hey Maddie!" I said

"Hi Jennie." she replied

"So wassup?"

"Nothing really."

"Oh so your still coming over tonight!"

"I wish! My mom’s going to ..."




"Well guys i think I’ve been caught!

Catch up with you guys later"


I went up to the Office. The lady took me into one of the rooms. She had a sad and a concerned look on her face. Oh boy! i wish she doesn’t give me a lecture. I hate lectures there so annoying it’s just like they keep saying the same thing over and over, and just want to tell them to... 



"We got a phone call..."

"Phone call for?”

With a sigh she said

"Your dad got into car wreck..." 

My heart stopped. 

I couldn’t breath! I can’t believe it!! i already lost my my mom ! No !this cant happen. My dad cant ...

 "...We got a call, from the hospital...”

 "IS HE OKAY???"

 *the room became quite*

 With a really sad face and she let out a few awful words

"He passed away."

 I lost my words! i didn’t know what to do or say! i slowly said


"Jennika your fathers gone"

My heart started to ache. I had lost my words. I couldn’t breath. It felt like there was nothing anymore. My mom died when i was six, from cancer. I saw my dad, how his heart was broken, every day.  But he hid it from us and whenever I asked if he was sad, he say why would I be said if i have to little angels Jennika and Natalie (my little sister). Now, i know how my dad felt, losing everything in the world. I can’t believe HES GONE. I began to shed tears.

"The closest family you have available is your aunt Sandra, who lives in California."

 I started to cry

"We are sending you to her tomorrow..."

With a gulp i said


“I Know, this will be hard.... But you have to be strong! We are sending you to a foster home for tonight..."

"Can i please stay over at a friend’s house?"

With the sad look in my eyes she said

"Only if your friends parents agree, and you have to take your sister along"

I said in a very soft voice...


The office secretary then makes a phone call, to Maddie’s mother.

She then begins to say

"Hello, madam, sorry to disturb you, but one of our student’s, Jennika Kiko’s, father passed away....."

As she was talking I couldn’t bare not to cry. It was just so hard! But i tried to control myself. I said to myself that I had to be strong! Even though, how much it hurts i have to be strong.  i have to follow what daddy taught me! I have to be like dad. I have to act mature for my little sister, if nothing happened. I have to be there for Natalie, She’s so small, only 6 and she is just in kindergarten i have to comfort her. i had to be a big sister.

"Jennika, Madeline’s Mother agreed for you and your sister to stay at her house"

I replied with the same quite voice


"And Jennika, this may be hard for you, but understand you have a little sister to take care of. We haven’t yet told her and we don’t plan to. She's too little to understand. I think you should tell her once she's old enough..."

Again same voice


I know I’m 14 and I have to be strong, but I’m still a kid! I just want to start crying so hard, but I’m stopping myself from making a scene. I just want to act like a baby and start rolling on the floor. Like maybe I could be 3 and just scream like crazy but no one could say a thing! I really want to do that right now!

"Jennika, do you think you can manage the rest of the day in class or do you want to stay in the office?"

 With a weak voice I said,

"I think I can make it."

The secretly lead me to the door and winked and said

"Good luck"

I went back to class and my classmates started to tease

"What you do this time?"

I ignored them and just kept walking. I knew that from now on this will be a new life for me…


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