Imagine young Franziska
A happy young girl, her father truly caring for her and pushing her to be better in a fatherly type of way. And Franziska's mom,loving caring for her and Manfred Every thing was amazing everyone was happy.
Franziska always dreamed of "being like papa!" But mamma told her she'll be even better. Every time Manfred brought home a new case she pestered him for details, but momma refused manfred from telling her, she was young she didn't need to know about murder.
Then when Manfred brought miles home Franziska was three at the time and was like
"Who is this new kid who just came in and stole all of my attention?" He was like a new toy to Franziska.But it was a living hell for miles. He thought he killed his own father,HE MOVED TO A NEW COUNTRY! He felt lost and hopeless,but momma (let's call her Hana) felt bad for the child and tried to comfort him.
But as time went on Manfred because a bit reckless, throwing a lot of things away for this cases, and Hana didn't like that, one night they got into a fight, it was not a big fight just some yelling, but that yelling woke Franziska as she was a light sleeper.
"Momma,papa?"Franziska said popping her head around the corner,to see Manfred yelling at Hana and Hana yelling at Manfred. Franziska scared quickly scamper to Miles room
"M-miles","Franziska said in a wisper."Hun? Franziska what's wrong? And why are you up so late?" Miles said rubbing his eyes to look at her. All she could muster to say is
Miles quickly got up and saw that they were in a bit of an argument,but it was cooled down a bit."Franziska it's ok now go back to bed ok darling?"Miles said rubbing her head.
"Ok,little brother!"Franziska said before hopping back to bed.Then next morning Miles woke up to Franziska crying.
"Hey,hey what's wrong!"Miles said looking at the sobbing girl.
"M-mama's sick!"Franziska said tears blocking her vision.
"Come let me see,"Miles said taking her hand as she led him to the kitchen.There was Hana drunk a wine bottle spilled, making it look like blood was all over the was broken her eyes puffy from crying and she looked sad and angry.
"Hana?"Miles said holding Franziska closer.
Hana quickly snapped at the children "GO AWAY DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MAN DOES TO ME ITS NOT FAIR..bla bla bla"
This terrified Franziska to the point were she started balling and Miles quickly went into big brother protective mode.Whisking Franziska away to his room locking the door and trying to calm her down,untill a Manfred returned.
(Hope you guys like it 😅)
Ace attorney: and a twisted fate
Random"I'm no genius, I don't deserve this badge," she says turning away.