A Mortal Instruments Christmas Part 1 / 5 : Malec

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Part 1

Shadowhunters usually didn't celebrate Christmas. Or any other mundane holiday;sure Shadowhunters come from all different races and religions but we're normally too busy trying not to die.

This Christmas though Magnus was determined to spend time with Alexander.

That was how Alec found himself curled up with Magnus and the Chairman by the fire, drinking hot chocolate and watching "classics" he'd never heard of like 'Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer' and Magnus' personal favorites 'The Sound of Music' and 'Elf'

It wasn't all bad. Alec had come over with take-out from Taki's and they'd ate it on the floor by the fire. Nothing too extravagant for Alec's first Christmas.

When the clock struck midnight, Magnus grinned like the Cheshire Cat before jumping up from the couch and practically running to the Christmas tree.

It was time for presents...

Alec wasn't going to lie, he'd been stressing over what to buy for Magnus... What do you buy the man who can have everything he ever wanted at the snap of his fingers?

So Alec had chosen to get him something sentimental instead of some random object he'd seen in a store window.

He really hoped Magnus liked it.

"Merry Christmas Darling"

Magnus had presented him with a small box wrapped in blue wrapping paper covered in sparkly snowflakes.

After tugging at the corners the paper came loose enough the pull the rest off inside was a leather-bound book.

Alec looked up into Magnus' cat-like eyes, searching for an explanation.

"It's a book filled with every person I've ever met that was important to me, that I remember anyway. Names, photos, descriptions, why they were so important. it's all there." Alec couldn't hold back the gasp and comical wide eyes "Alec, I want you to know that I've never shared anything like this with anyone, but I trust you. More than I ever thought I could"

He looked up to see unshed tears sparkling in Magnus' eyes. "After a while Warlocks tend to shut themselves off from society. They become cold and unlovable. Unable to love. I'd feared that had happened. But then you came along, like my Angel in baggy sweaters" We both gave a short breathy laugh at that.

Magnus had always been open about his feelings and aspersions. To think that Magnus could become cold was an alien thought that left a bitter aftertaste in his mouth.

"My turn. I hope you like it" Alec went over to the Christmas tree and picked up his poorly wrapped present with the crinkled wrapping paper he'd dug out of a closet in the Institute. Magnus smiled. But it was like a parent smiling to an child when given a toy phone or a piece of plastic pizza. A kind of forced smile to prove to them that they're happy.

He unwrapped it and looked at the small worn wooden box. He looked up at Alec. "Open it" was all he said. After popping open the little latch and opening the lid, Alec held his breath but Magnus still looked confused. He picked up the small dagger gingerly as if it might burn "I never want anything like what happened in Edom to happen ever again and I'm not going to always be there to protect you and I know you say that you don't need to be protected and you can handle things on your own. But it would make me feel better if you carried it around with you when you go to see clients or do a demon summoning. It's just a regular hunting knife, 'cause you can't hold seraph blades_"

He was babbling and he knew it but couldn't seen to close his mouth. He was interrupted by Magnus kissing him. "I love it and if it will make you feel better I will take it with me whenever I leave the house without you. It means so much to me that you care if I'm safe. No one's ever done that before so thank you.

"Although there's one small problem" "What?"
I don't know the first thing about wielding a weapon. You're going to have to teach me"
"I would be honored" Alec says with a small smile.

Maybe Christmas isn't so bad after all


Hey Everyone. It's 2-besties-who-write other half.

For those of you who don't know my name is Emily aka Emma if you've read Tales From an 8th Grade French Class. And if you haven't than... what are you doing with your life.

Merry Christmas Eve.

Sorry were late on these it was supposed to be up for Christmas but...Meh.

A Mortal Instruments ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now