A Mortal Instruments Christmas Part 2 / 5 : Clace

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Part 2

Ice skating was ludicrous and should be banned in all 50 states. Jace had just spent the last 20 minutes falling over while Clary laughed at him. Out of all the things he's good at ice skating was not one of them.

"Come on Jace. I'll help you."

Clary skated over perfectly as if she'd done it her whole life. "Here take my arm"
I looped my arm through her's and almost sent us both toppling to the hard ice below the blades of our skates. "Now put one foot forward and push off with your other foot. Good"

I'd successfully made it about a foot from where I started. I did the same thing a few more times. Trying to keep up with Clary's bobbing redhead. She skated a few strides ahead and turned around, watching me. She held out her hand,expecting me to skate up to her but she kept backing up.

It was all part of her evil plan to get me even farther away from the ground and farther on to the frozen duck pond. The only reason why I'm standing on this stupid pond is because Clary assured me 100% that there would be no ducks any where near the pond today.

Stupid ducks, Stupid pond, Stupid skates.

After what felt like hours later we were done skating. After putting our own boots on and returning the rentals we'd borrowed. Clary promised me hot chocolate for my "Stoic act of selflessness after spending the day doing that dreadful activity"

We went to a nearby coffee shop and found a booth in the corner. The hot chocolate was too sweet and kind of cold but we drank it anyway.

I'd had fun. Although I wasn't ready to tell Clary that.

After that we just went back to her place where we monopolized the TV to watch "Christmas Classics" I'd never heard of any of them but they ended up being heart warming and funny.

Clary fell asleep on my shoulder towards the end of 'The Sound of Music'

I wouldn't mind doing this again next year.. and Clary tells me that New Years eve is one hell of a holiday.

A Mortal Instruments ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now