Chapter One

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"It was when the darkness came to be, that light shone the brightest ever seen."

She tilted her head in wonder as she stared at the hundredth page of her grandmother's favorite book, her finger traced the words written on the worn out page. She shook her head and closed the book after slipping a long white ribbon in between the pages as a bookmark.

She stood up from the window sill, stretched her arms above her head and sighed in relief.

It has been quite a few hours since she has started reading, Aria has the habit to sit still while she does.

Her grandmother always pestered her to stretch her limbs every hour, complaining that she will have pains in her joints and such when she gets older.

The young girl would nod grinning sheepishly, and her dear Baa-chan would sigh exasperatedly, both of them knowing she would never remember to do so.

Since childhood, Aria spent most of her time in the library with her nose buried behind books.

"Iris," a voice called from behind the library door. "Dinner is ready; shall we eat?" Her grandmother opened the door slightly and peered inside, smiling as she saw the pile of books scattered on the table.

"Have you finished all the books in my list already?"

Aria placed the book in her hand onto the table and shook her head.

"I am reading the last one, your favorite. I am a bit at a loss to be honest." She trailed off, biting her lip in thought.

The ninety-year-old retired kunoichi chuckled softly, "You will understand with time and experience, Little Iris."

Her grandmother loved to call her by her favorite flower.

"Now come before the food gets cold!"

She went downstairs towards the kitchen, leaving the door ajar.

"I am not little." Aria grumbled, stepping out of her sanctuary and closing the door.

The delicious smell of freshly made curry wafted in the air as she entered the dining room next to the kitchen. Aria sat down across her grandmother and stared at the feast before her.

"You should have waited for me to help set the table, Baa-chan." She frowned for a split second.

"Nonsense, child. I am still perfectly capable." The old woman closed her eyes and put her hands together. "Itadakimasu."

Aria sighed and smiled, following suit. "Itadakimasu."

They ate dinner in comfortable silence.

The moon shone bright when night came, Aria sat at her window sill and leaned her head back against the wall.

'I wonder if there is only one moon in the entire universe.' She looked out the window.

'I wonder what else is out there, what adventures I could go on..' Her fingers played with a lock of her silky white hair.

'Silly girl, only miles and miles of sand would be waiting for me outside of the oasis.' She sighed, trying to lessen her curiosity.

But Aria knew that was untrue.

When she was a child, she visited a village every now and then, hand in hand with her father.

"Suna." She whispered.

It has been years since her last visit, her grandmother was very adamant about her leaving the Tsuriai clan compound, the only oasis in the desert.

"It is dangerous outside, it is not safe for you to go to the village, Little Iris."

She will always remember Baa-chan's warnings. Though she felt that it is ridiculous, she obeyed her paranoid grandmother, having heard her tales of what had happened to other members of the clan.

'Including father and mother'.

Aria knew her grandmother was devastated by their deaths, she had loved her only daughter and her son-in-law dearly. She remembered the day they died vividly, her grandmother sensed their chakra disappear and fell to her knees sobbing.

'Chakra.' Aria stared down at her hands. 'As a child I thought it was magic, a sort of sorcery.'

Her hands glowed white.

'It is still magical to me, even now.' She closed her eyes and felt the warmth in her hands.

'But it is a double-edged blade.' Her hands dimmed.

The Kekkei Genkai of the Tsuriai clan had caused the members to perish, leaving only Aria and her grandmother behind.

"It was not our special abilities that destroyed the lives of our clan members." Baa-chan clenched her fists. "But the heart of the corrupt, hungry for power."

Aria had sworn to use her abilities only for good, for peace. An image of her grandmother smiling appeared in her mind.

'For my loved ones.' She glanced back out the window.

'Ah, another sandstorm.' The winds blew harshly across the desert.

Aria caught sight of a flash of red on the sand. 'What in the world..'

She felt a familiar chakra presence and her eyes widen.

'Is that a person out there? In this weather?' She quickly ran downstairs towards the front door.

'Baa-chan is going to be so angry if she finds out.' She grimaced. 'But I can't leave someone out there in the middle of the storm,' She put on her sandals.

'Especially not when their chakra is flickering so weakly.'

She ran out into the storm.

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