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The bus pulled up in front of the house and I couldn't hardly breath.

I haven't talked to Jacq since he left and he didn't answer any of my calls or texts, so I assume he was busy. But the three days are finally over and he's home.

The door opened slowly and there he stood. I jumped on him and couldn't help but to kiss all over him.

"I missed you so much." I pulled away noticing he wasn't kissing me back. "What's wrong Jacq?" I got off of him noticing the bored look on his face.

"Are you done yet?"

Whoa. Who pissed in his cereal this morning?

He brought in his suitcases and closed the door with his foot.

"Do you need some help with you bags? I know they're heavy." He ignored me and got on the elevator.

I raised my arm and smelled my armpits.

"Do I stink or something?" I just got out the shower thirty minutes ago. He came back down and went into the kitchen and went back up.

I walked up the stairs and saw he dropped his things in the hallway by my room.

What is going in with him. I dragged his suitcases to his room with a struggle.

Maybe he's just tired. 

He wasn't in his room. A nice came from somewhere and I followed where I thought I heard it.

I looked in my room to see him putting all my stuff in trash bags.

"Jacq what are you doing?" He snatched everything off the hangers and threw them in the bag recklessly.

He stuffed the bag till it didn't stretch anymore. He tied the strings and tossed it at me, knocking me to the floor.

I sat up with the heavy bag in my lap.

"What is wrong with you?" I rubbed the back of my head since it hit the floor Raitt hard.

He stopped filling the second bag and laughed. "You're what's wrong with me?"

I got the bag off new and stood up.

"Can you just tell me what's wrong? I'm confused." He looked down at me with anger written all over his face then kept on putting more clothes in. I grabbed his hand so he'd stop. "What did I do?" He looked at me briefly and all of a sudden all this became familiar to me.

"I had a little meeting with William Cox after I landed. And then I had one early this morning before I got back here."

"So why are so mad?" He went back to throwing my things back in the bag.

"He told me about you, Javeon." I gasped.

"H-how do you know-"

"Because Will told me everything. He told me about how you steal shit. And how you stole $60,000 from him and tried to get away with it. He told me this morning that one time you went to the bank pretending to be his wife to get his social security information, so they'd give you access to all his accounts. He told me to watch out for you. I didn't really believe him till I checked my account this morning to see on my recent activity, 2.3 million dollars was withdrawn from my account." I can't believe Will would do this to me again. 

"Jacq I can explain everything." He grabbed all the trash bags filled with my stuff and left the room. "I didn't take any money out of your account I swear. Why would I do that when I have my own money now?" Tears rushed down my face in anger.

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