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I was tagged by Nat_Palmer to do this so here goes nothing.
Are you friendly?
Yeah, I make an effort to always be friendly and nice to people, but there are a few people who are really good at bringing out my disease of sass and sarcasm.
Who's your best friend?
I have a lot of friends, and several close friends, but there are only a few I would call my best friends. Anna, Avah, Mackenzie, and Ash are probably all I would call my best friends.
Do you love your best friends?
Indeed I do, in a platonic way of course. I couldn't survive without them, they keep me sane.
Name the person you would never want to lose and why:
This might sound weird, but I wouldn't want to lose myself. If you lose yourself, then nothing else really matters.
What was your first dream as a kid?
I don't really remember my first dream job, maybe a writer (which is still true), but my first dream I remember from sleeping is the Grinch breaking into my house and eating me. I don't know, I was a strange child.
What is your dream now?
To become a lawyer with a side job as a writer. I've also been dancing since I was 3, so I would like to do something with that, but I doubt it.
Do you believe in magic?
I actually do in fact believe in magic. I also believe in ghosts and other Supernatural things. (Such as the Winchesters)
If you could be any magical creature, which one would you be?
I think a dragon, I've always loved fire and I could easily exterminate my enemies. *cue evil laughter*
What magical creature would you want to marry?
A wizard or elf, and by elf I mean LOTR or Hobbit elf and by wizard I mean Draco Malfoy.
Mom or Dad?
Grandpa, I get along better with him than the others. I guess Mom though.
Dogs or Cats?
I love cats, but I have to go with dogs since that's all I've ever owned.
What kind of guy would you like to marry?
Girl talk time! He has to be intelligent, I refuse to date someone I can't hold an intelligent conversation with. Funny, because I quite enjoy laughter. He has to be a nice person, I'm not gonna date a jerk. Physical things would be he has to give good hugs because I love hugs and cuddles and I like tall guys, but I'm really short so all guys are tall.
Food or money?
Food, I really love food.
Love or lust?
I don't really believe in love, since I've never seen a good example of it, but lust makes me uncomfortable, so neither.
Religion or science?
Both. I am slightly religious, but some of it still makes me skeptical, and science explains it but I still believe in some of it.
Light or dark?
Darkness all the way. I love nighttime because I don't have to deal with others and I can be by myself and think.
Have you been honest?
I always try to be. Although the dragon question I was joking a bit about exterminating my enemies.

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