Story time!!!

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Okay so one day in school this girl gets lice, but she does not tell anyone that she has lice do to the fact that she was to embarrassed over the fact that she has lice. Anyway, she gives her friend lice by letting her wear one of her cute hats. Then other people wanted to wear her hat so she let them. Soon the whole school was infected by lice, with the exception of one boy who hardly washed his hair. In fact he hardly took a bath! The school nurse had to come in the situation and fix things. Now the girl that started this whole miss felt really bad, but she also did not want to ruin her reputation as the most popular girl in the school so she blamed it on her friend and started a rumor saying she started the lice train. Her friend was upset when she found out that there was a rumor started about her. She asked her friend ,who started the rumor, to help her find the who started the rumor about her. She agreed to help her find the starter of the rumor knowing full well that she started the rumor. Her self conscious started to get the best of her giving her nightmares that everyone would find out that she started the lice and her best fiend would find out that she started the rumor and would never want to be her friend ever again. After having a lot of sleepless nights she finally confessed her sins to everyone. They were all angry at first but they soon forgave her. Remember the boy who never washed his hair or hardly took a shower? Well he was a key role into ending the lice train.
Hahahah I got this from watching Arthur. Btw black people don't get lice only because we don't wash our hair everyday. We don't need to. NOT BECAUSE WE ARE NASTY OR DIRTY!!! We just don't need to. We can still get lice though, I know it sounds weird but we can.  IDK 😎😝

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