~*Akb0048 Rainbow Live Christmas Special*~

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*Akb0048 Music Plays!*

Takamina: Hello everyone! Akbingo is about to start!

All Successors: Yay!

Yukirin: Hey guys out of all the members of Team RAINBOW★ who do you think is the cutest?

Yuko: Naru-chan! She's so small and cute!!!!

Takamina: There you go sounding creepy again. For me it would be Ann-chan! She's always so bright and cheerful

Yuko: I bet she's the new Takamina!

Takamina: Hehehehe let's see you wanna bet Yuko!

Yuko: 15 bucks baby

Sayaka: I think Otoha-chan is rather cute

Sae: Have you forgotten you're her Gorilla-san Saaya

Everyone laughs as Sayaka goes into the you screwed yourself corner.

Kojiharu: Akbingo-san will begin now!

Mayuyu: This segment will be about the fresh new team Team RAINBOW★! Revealing the truth!!! First is this segment Shoujiki Shogi (truth chess)

Tomochin: The opponents are Ito Suzuno the cool and hot girl that loves rock and Otoha Takanashi the cute feminine girl who loves tea and fairy tails

Kitarie: And it starts now!


Everyone gives her odd stares and soon the segment is started.

CureBlossomGirl: I am the host along with one guest member Renjouji Beru-sama!

Beru: Thanks for having me.

CureBlossomGirl: Quick question did anyone here read the manga or watch the anime.

Naru,Beru,Rinne, Wakana for both and the rest for just the anime.

Naru: I love it! Chieri-san reminds me of Beru-chan alot!

Beru: Really Nagisa-chan reminds me of you Naru!

Both laugh and smile.

CureBlossomGirl: *Intense fangirling* KAWAIIIIII

Rinne: Creepy

Writer-chan joins Sayaka in the you screwed yourself corner.

CureBlossomGirl: Okay Beru-san is there anything you can say about these two?

Beru: Well I am close to them both but they have very different personalities. They are both seemingly close so I'm interested in the questions they have for each other.

CureBlossomGirl: Oh I see. These are very good questions. Well I guess Otoha-chan's are kinda light headed.

Everyone sweatdrops

CureBlossomGirl: Anyhooo the black player Otoha-chan goes first. Please begin.

(I'm gonna cut this short to like three questions each I'm too lazy lol.)

Otoha picks number three and puts it down on the table. They both look at each other fiercely.

Otoha: Honestly you wish you could wear frilly dresses

Ito: *blushes slightly* N-No

The heart rate thing majing lol I don't know what it is crosses the line.

Everyone is shocked.

Everyone: EHHHHHHHH!?!

Naru and Ann: EHHHHHHHH

CureBlossomGirl: Naru, Ann you guys seem especially surprised by this. What is the reason?

Naru: Ito-chan is always with us in dressing rooms and stuff and when we get those girly and cute outfits she would be like 'frilly dresses again'.

Ann: I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! Wow many mysterious things happen on Christmas!

Everyone laughs.

CureBlossomGirl: Now the white player's turn. Ask away

Ito puts down number seven. They look at eachother fiercely.

Ito: Honestly you always fall in love with Suzuno Ito and mistake her for a boy

Otoha starts laughing uncontrollably

Otoha: No

Her heart rate crosses the line. No one is surprised.

Beru: That always happens. She would always come to me like Beru-san I can't look into Ito-chan's eyes anymore!

Otoha blushes

Otoha: Ehhhh?! Beru-san don't tell them that!

Ito blushes and she is so red. Everyone dies laughing.

CureBlossomGirl: That is a point. Ok now black player Otoha again. Go ahead

Otoha puts number six down on the table. Everyone says they really want to know this. They look fiercely at each other.

Otoha: Honestly you wish that you could be more cute like the member of Team RAINBOW★

Otoha smirks evilly which scares the life out of everyone. Ito blushes and her whole face even her ears is red. Even before she says no it crosses the line.

Ito: I don't like that thing! Are you sure its not broken

Everyone laughs. Its Otoha's victory.

Sasshi: Now its the Christmas cake segment! Which member of Team RAINBOW★ is the best cook!

Lovetan: Ann-chan is not eligible to compete since she's the best she will try the food and judge which one is the best. The teams are these!

Sae: Naru and Rinne Team Nari, Ito and June team Iju and the three Edel Rose student which team name is Bekaha.

CureBlossomGirl: You have to make a delicious Christmas cake and make sure to win! Okay go!

Naru and Rinne rush to get their objects.

Rinne: Shrimps
It scares Naru because her eyes are glistening with excitement.

Naru: Okay! Happy Naru let's get some eggs, sugar, salt, chocolate, and shrimps

Ann shivers in the back shrimps.

Next team IJun

They have normal ingredients.

So does Team Bekaha.

Everyone starts making their dishes. Naru falls and cracks so many eggs. (WHAT UP SELF REFRENCE! This is so me in the kitchen!) Yuko cheers for Naru which lifts her spirits up. Rinne is frying eggs we don't know why. Their team seems hopeless.

Both having experience in cooking The IJun advances smoothly and beautifully. They sweatdrop at the sight beside them.

Team Bekaha is advancing and doing really well. They already put the cake into the oven.

Everyone puts their finishing touches to the cakes and make it look presentable. Now its time for Ann to taste them.

CureBlossomGirl: *Sweatdropps at team Nari's cake* First up Team Nari

Ann: Surprisingly really good! I like how you made the shrimps sweet to go with the cake.

Nari: Yay!

Everyone cakes are good but Nari wins.


Everyone: MERRY CHRISTMAS! Please continue to read!!!

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